Example sentences of "can only [be] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Socially , at this point the significance of design as such is more or less lost : significance can only been seen in terms of problems solved or products produced .
2 However , the end result of the degree of competition in a market can only be observed in profitability .
3 In other words , crime is a relative concept ; it can only be defined in relation to particular criminal laws which are effective at particular times and in particular societies .
4 Concepts can only be defined in terms of other concepts , the meanings of which are given .
5 Now the major difference between these two categories is that with operational systems it is relatively easy for the user to define his requirements , in detail , in advance , for a specialist to program into the computer , whereas decision support systems , by their very nature , can only be defined in advance in global terms .
6 Whereas these measures constitute a second phase of liberalisation … it will be necessary to provide for further market liberalisation including the reduction of barriers to the supply of electricity by producers to customers ; whereas the precise details of this third phase , which should complete the internal electricity market , can only be defined in the light of experience …
7 ‘ Money can only be defined in terms of its functions . ’
8 While discussions of what astronomers expect to find can only be expressed in terms of what they already know , those working on IRAS clearly hope that the satellite will make exciting new discoveries .
9 Since the weather , especially wind direction and wind speed , will markedly affect the behaviour of the radioactive cloud , estimates of the number of people exposed and the hazards can only be expressed in terms of probabilities .
10 None of their currencies are convertible , which means that Polish zloty or Hungarian florints have no value outside their country and can only be exchanged in their country , unlike sterling and dollars .
11 The lookup functions ( any , or all ) can only be performed in a processing procedure and the run procedure can only be done in a command procedure .
12 These must then be short-listed ; the detailed appraisal can only be done in practice on a limited number of options .
13 Hitting some of the soft spots in certain ways can cause really serious injury and can only be justified in extreme circumstances .
14 Accounting can only be studied in depth at Edinburgh as part of a joint honours degree : MA honours in Economics and Accounting ; BCom honours in Business Studies and Accounting ; or LLB honours ( Law and Accounting ) .
15 Tape files can only be accessed in this way ( figure 5.2 ) and therefore tapes can only be used for serial or sequential files .
16 Damages , as we will see , can only be sought in respect of wrongs recognized in private law ; declarations and injunctions can also be sought in respect of public law wrongs , that is wrongs as defined by the rules establishing the grounds of judicial review such as breach of natural justice .
17 It requires a good water starting and carve gybing ability and can only be sailed in a consistent Force 3/4+ .
18 HIV can only be transmitted in certain ways .
19 Indeed , here is a reminder that Christmas can only be understood in the light of later events , can only be discovered in all its wonderful freshness and life when we discover for ourselves that Jesus is the human face of God .
20 That is why the new partnerships can only be understood in terms of the contemporary concepts of organisational mission and vision .
21 The Australian Aboriginal religion with its emphasis on mysteries and degrees of initiation , its doctrines of pre-existence ad reincarnation and its belief in psychic powers , belongs to the Orient , not the West , and can only be understood in the light of the Orient . ’
22 Interpretation must always be a matter of matching up what is new to what is familiar : ideas can only be understood in reference to established categories of thought .
23 Carew Hunt , who was an authority at the Foreign Office on international communism and who wrote The Theory and Practice of Communism , argues that it can only be understood in religious terms .
24 Violent behaviour , in the most general sense , can only be understood in association with other behaviour within the same society .
25 Scale and measure can only be understood in context .
26 Showmanship was not just the accidental way in which British and American films were distributed , it was the essence of a whole phenomenon and the films of the English-language world can only be understood in this way .
27 The Indian presence in far flung outposts of the Empire , for example , from Malaysia to East Africa , can only be understood in this context , and it is important to note that a tradition of emigration from Jamaica had already developed in the nineteenth century , with 2,000 Jamaicans migrating to build railways in Panama , followed by well over 80,000 who went to work on the first attempt at constructing the Panama Canal in the 1880s .
28 As Graff argues , literacy can only be understood in context : ‘ it can be established neither arbitrarily nor uniformly for all members of the population ’ ( 1979 , p. 292 ) .
29 The remarkable role he played in Russia 's development can only be understood in terms of his total immersion — intellectual , emotional , moral — in Marxism .
30 Social theories thus argue that freedom requires an understanding of the self and our self-understanding or identity can only be understood in relation to the practices of our society .
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