Example sentences of "can not [be] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The one can not be made a substitute for the other ; indeed , any failure in right conduct inevitably brings about a downfall in right beliefs .
2 There are cases not in any way in doubt on this appeal which establish the general proposition that a foetus enjoys , while still a foetus , no independent legal personality — a foetus can not , while a foetus , sue and can not be made a ward of court : see Paton v. British Pregnancy Advisory Service Trustees [ 1979 ] Q.B .
3 Since that Act came into force , a child who is the subject of a care order , as W. was and is , can not be made a ward of court : see section 100(2) ( c ) of that Act .
4 W. , being in the care of the local authority , can not be made a ward of court : see section 100(2) of , and paragraph 15 of Schedule 14 to , the Children Act 1989 .
5 Accurate reports of certain public occasions are " privileged " — which is to say that any defamatory statements arising from them can not be made the subject of a successful libel action .
6 The Strathclyde university report stated : ’ The idea of a mature tobacco market ’ — that means a market which can not expand any further ’ can not be supported the key group for the tobacco industry is young smokers .
7 For example , it has been pointed out that one person can not be asked the same question twice , the second time he is not the same person because he has already been asked the question once .
8 A dog that gains a third prize is a dog that lacks quality and is not perfect in construction , but one that still can not be called a poor specimen .
9 If a law is such that there are no criteria whereby an independent observer might decide whether it is obeyed or deviated from , the law in question can not be called a " law " in any intelligible sense .
10 Similarly , an excess of payments over receipts can not be called a loss because apart from anything else the payments might include the acquisition of assets .
11 On proximal joints the dorsal arm spines from one side of the arm form a continuous series with those from the other , but this can not be called a fan in the sense used in other genera of the Ophiacanthidae .
12 This argument can be criticized on the grounds that a state bureaucracy can not be called a class .
13 As the risk and returns of most of the assets can not be observed the tests hitherto had been biased .
14 Such a motion is exempted business , so that the House in question can not be denied the opportunity to pass upon the matter simply by government manipulation of time , but in relation to the vast majority of instruments , opposition is pointless and rarely mounted .
15 If an individual item can not be matched the wording of this clause should be brought to the attention of the policyholder .
16 Revolution is not made by proclamations , strikes can not be declared every twenty-four hours , and in order to struggle against the bourgeoisie it is not enough to have a weekly publication or a hundred militants .
17 Such is the fluid nature of the Hindu syncretism that the unifying power behind the gods can not be given a single name .
18 Illiterate people can not be given a questionnaire , though they may , of course , be interviewed .
19 They may define positions that have often been repeated , but they can not be given a timeless quality .
20 In other words , his argument might be seen as an attempt to confront the common sense with the disconcerting fact that references to what are assumed to be numerically identical spatio-temporal particulars inhabiting an objective world " out there " can not be given a satisfactory justification , and consequently that one can not claim with certainty that such particulars represent the basic material of which the world is made up .
21 Here thoughts about Lucy and about gems are active together and can not be given a satisfactory literal translation describing exactly the degree of similarity between Lucy and a gem .
22 ‘ Even assuming a genuine ecclesiastic use of the chapel following demolition of the remainder , it can not be said the church as such is still in ecclesiastical use or would be but for the works . ’
23 1969 , 243 ) , can not be assigned a date of before c. 325 .
24 It can not be proved the virgin birth happened .
25 However , an environment in which people can not sleep adequately because of excessive noise can not be considered a safe environment .
26 Suppliers are asked to state clearly where the overall responsibility for the success of the project will lie , if any aspect of the relationship proposed can not be considered a straightforward one of OUP as purchasers of goods and services from the supplier .
27 The HGT-1 cell line was isolated from a human gastric adenocarcinoma , and can not be considered a complete model for the parietal cell as it does not secrete hydrochloric acid .
28 ‘ This , ’ he says , ‘ would allow the display in rotation of a lot more of the paintings that can not be found a permanent hanging space . ’
29 Clearly they can not be detecting the direction of the rays of light and moving away from the source , because illumination is from above .
30 The epidemiological evidence shows that nitrate can not be having a major effect on cancer in the general population in the UK .
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