Example sentences of "can be made [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Excellent gains can be made with the minimum amount of equipment if you are determined .
2 A fuller reply to negative criticism of postmodernism , however , can be made with the further evidence of a brief survey of ways in which postmodernism has followed from modernism 's second area of innovation — chronology and structure .
3 Comparison can be made with the responses in Almond and Verba 's survey , as shown in figure 13.1 .
4 These processes will be described in detail in the following sections so that comparisons can be made with the effects of predation described in Chapters 2 and 3 .
5 By now arranging things so that the blades go down to -½° to -2° when the throttle is fully closed , a landing approach can be made with the blades at zero , or slightly negative pitch , but still at a moderate throttle setting to give full control .
6 Consultation can be made with the advisory service for the visually handicapped and the ophthalmologist will then usually refer children to the low vision clinic in the region or to an ophthalmic optician who specialises in low vision aids .
7 Here an interesting comparison can be made with the position of Rosemary Ruether .
8 A further finishing touch can be made with the flat plate used to test the saw setting angles , turned to form a lid .
9 An analogy can be made with the push-down stack of plates in a cafeteria or ( as in the KDF9 manual ) with the magazine of a Sten gun .
10 An investigation to be made as to whether links can be made with the Craft and Needlecraft departments .
11 Contact can be made with the clubs during the Sports Fair in Freshers ' week or through the Sports Union office .
12 This can be done with one of the most attractive arguments at the teachers ' disposal , students ' work ; a contrast can be made with the kind of work which students undertook in the 1960s and 1970s , an example of which is included in Figure 1.2 .
13 For the purchaser moving into a new area , invaluable comments can be made on the property 's location and any unfavourable matters which may adversely affect the value now or in the future .
14 You will know just how much money can be made on the stock market .
15 A number of observations can be made on the three-dimensional spatial-stratigraphic development of sourcing coals by the examination of seismic relationships and documented stratigraphy .
16 Quite apart from questions of competition policy , takeovers themselves must be the subject of rules , to ensure that investment decisions can be made on the basis of transparent markets and reliable information .
17 As the manual tells you , by holding certain stitches in holding ( E ) position and knitting the remaining stitches in sequence you can work shoulder shaping , neck shaping , sock heels and toes and even a shaped hemline on skirts , while most attractive full skirts can be made on the same principle .
18 The whole of the double-entry system is based upon this principle and it follows from this principle that at any time the total debits must equal the total credits and by adding the two a check can be made on the double entry ; this is one of the main advantages of the system .
19 A similar comment can be made on the fierce struggle for women 's suffrage in Britain in the early part of this century .
20 Another line of argument put forward by traditional liberals is that an appeal to the better off can be made on the grounds that the existence of the underclass tends to make our society a less civilized one in which to live .
21 One final requirement can be made on the coordinate choice .
22 It is difficult to see how a sensible start can be made on the discussions if we do not know the outcome of the GATT round .
23 The resolution reiterated a proposal for " direct negotiations between the leaders of the two communities " and stressed that " no concessions can be made on the principles of sovereignty , self-determination … [ or ] the existence of two separate peoples symbolizing the founding partnership " .
24 Thus a precise estimate of the average height of adult males in this country can be made on the basis of a representative sample of the total population of adult males .
25 So that meaningful searches can be made on the microcomputer and so that all students will be familiar with its use , eventually all audiovisual items in the library will be entered on to a database .
26 Personal and telephone bookings can be made at the Cashier 's Office , University of Ulster , Coleraine during the following hours The Cashier 's Office also accepts postal bookings .
27 Application for these can be made at the bar in the High Rocks Inn .
28 Bookings can be made at the Society 's Offices , 42 Merrion Sq .
29 No adjustments can be made at the laying stage .
30 The addition of the necessary chemicals can be made at the same time , and the plant requires means for adding these , mixing them with the water to give time for interaction , and removing the precipitate by sedimentation , usually by some variation of the " upward-flow " type of tank .
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