Example sentences of "can be [vb pp] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 On a good day ( for the parents , that is ) children can be absorbed for hours in the imaginative construction of a world which depends on them alone for its realization and reward .
2 The general behaviour of a polymer can be typified by results obtained for an amorphous atactic polystyrene sample .
3 The mathematics works , the evidence can be gathered from experiments , and so forth , but in the end we find ourselves unable in any coherent way to explain the true nature of reality at the quantum level .
4 The items can be gathered by children themselves , for example , shiny things ; things of a particular colour ; things of a particular texture ( rough , smooth , prickly ) ; particular shapes ( rounded , with holes , pointed , with straight sides , spirals , etc. ) ; things we use in the kitchen or bathroom ; things that we use to draw with or cook with .
5 In Sections 3.3 and 17.8 , we saw that the vortex street frequency has ranges of decreased regularity ; although these changes can be related to developments in the flow , there are tentative suggestions that they might also be viewed in the present context .
6 More recently , information from the registration of births can be related to estimates of the social class distribution in the population derived from the General Household Survey and the Labour Force Survey .
7 A study of this kind can be related to texts in other media too , giving a comparison of , for example , different ways of approaching the same topic .
8 It is certainly not enough to say that the former position shows " attribution " and the latter " predication " ; one must go on to say what these terms of one 's theory mean , and if our account is to be genuinely explanatory , we must do so in ways which can be related to concepts and phenomena which stand outside our initial theory .
9 Opinions on a whole range of theoretical issues were polarized in ways that can be related to positions taken up in the struggle for control of the social framework of science .
10 These can be related to rates of magma production versus differentiation by crystal fractionation within crustal magma chambers .
11 The big advantage of having a standardized contract is that it can be exchanged between counterparties very easily .
12 They can be exchanged for tickets at all Leeds theatres , Leeds International Concert Season and Leeds Leisure Services music events .
13 It numbed the mind of one woman so much recently that she left her baby to suffocate inside her car while hoping to hit the jackpot , a bucketful of balls , which can be exchanged for jars of coffee or pairs of tights .
14 £1,500 worth of HTA National Garden Gift Tokens , which can be exchanged for plants and tools all over the country , can also be won .
15 First , a bureau does not produce a surplus of revenue over costs which can be appropriated by employers , owners or employees as their own income .
16 DHAs should have a clinical panel whose advice can be sought on GPs ’ pattern of extra-contractual referrals .
17 Conversation can be generated by pupils using drill and practice software as well as database programs , in that the pupils often use each other as a resource for learning , drawing upon each others ' preknowledge and experience .
18 Given the political will , a primitive nationalism can be generated by governments in a remarkably short space of time , certainly in less than a generation .
19 In the preceding chapters we saw that there are wide differences between the three major social science theories of power These approaches to the analysis of power in capitalist society operate with distinct methodological and substantive focuses Each of the theories can be differentiated in terms of the phenomena they study in order to locate power ; by their disagreement over where ‘ politics ’ begins and ends in society ; how their respective theories are to be substantiated and invalidated ; and the degree of freedom possessed by individuals in capitalism to shape and change their societies
20 Conversely , the competition rules can be invoked by businesses as a ‘ sword ’ to cut away the private barriers to trade .
21 As any privilege to refuse to give evidence can be invoked by witnesses , the ‘ commission ’ or other document appointing the diplomatic officer or consular agent or commissioner should contain the necessary details about such privilege .
22 And yet , as may be seen from the cardinal importance he attaches to a Herodotean term like the peri - plus , Pound can be invoked by poets for whom the natural subjectmatter is topographical rather than historical , or at any rate historical only so far as history is checked against , and embodied in , and qualified by , topography .
23 A defendant who pleads that he was erroneously convicted is putting up a positive case and can be asked for particulars .
24 A similar question can be asked about consumers when the quantity rule is that output equals the minimum of demand and supply .
25 Most data analysis techniques derive their data model is a set of entities which can be represented as relations .
26 There will be one overall model , the conceptual schema , but in the logical model , the various user views can be represented as sub-schemas ( particular user or external views ) .
27 The results of very detailed calculations can be represented as plots of the variation of energy , E , with Δ .
28 Turning to the specific example of a continuous square wave of amplitude a and period T , it can be represented in terms of by The validity of this particular harmonic representation is demonstrated in figure 11.1 where it is shown that summing the first three terms of expression ( 11.2 ) produces a waveform not far removed from square .
29 The reactions that take place at electrodes can be represented by half-equations .
30 The House of Lords disagreed ; the judgment can be analysed in stages .
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