Example sentences of "can be [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 What can be concluded from the discussion thus far is that the approach to findings of evidence is integrally related to the view of jurisdiction adopted .
2 So , what can be concluded from the PIMS data base about the relationships implied in the portfolio matrices ?
3 It can be concluded from the evidence of Table 16.5 that there is little relationship between low tax burdens and faster economic growth .
4 A sound constitution is another requirement , as can be realised from the following passage from Gilchrist Alexander 's The Temple of the Nineties .
5 The substance of the meeting can be gathered from the telegram North sent to Hixon later .
6 Some idea of the standard can be gathered from the fact that among those in the ‘ B ’ final , and therefore not in the top 12 men , were two others from the eight and all the coxless four in Vienna last year , plus two other former medallists .
7 An impression of the extent of expansion and subsequent volume of data can be gathered from the illustration in Fig 11.9 , which also summarises the stages of the exercise up to this point .
8 As far as can be gathered from the limited archaeological research so far done , there was a move from the older timber cottages to new stone-walled housing .
9 The width of the Greek material can be gathered from the presence of such diverse names as Plato , Homer , Alcibiades , Herodotus and the Stoics .
10 Finally , look for the chapel of Sant Caterina that can be reached from the left transept .
11 More often than not , an east or north-east wind is cold and detrimental to good fishing , so you will invariably find that you will do better fishing into a west or south-west wind , particularly where attractive bottom features can be reached from the north or north-east bank .
12 Bearing this in mind , together with the further possibility of reprovisioning the redesigned space station using Russian rockets , NASA 's review team is considering an orbit for its station that would be inclined at 51.6 to the equator — the sort of orbit that can be reached from the launch sites the Russians use .
13 Special double-pole switches are made ; if the switch can be reached from the bath or the shower , it must be the pull-cord kind .
14 Where issues are complex , expert help can be sought from the adoption agency , PAC , BAAF or PPIAS .
15 Leave must be obtained from the chairman of the tribunal which decided the case , but if it is refused , then leave can be sought from the Commissioners .
16 Thus in so far as the provisions of the Act of 1987 are ambiguous , guidance can be sought from the Order of 1991 in the same way as guidance can be sought from a later enactment for the construction of an earlier one : Kirkness v. John Hudson & Co . Ltd .
17 If it is unable to help , where necessary , advice can be sought from The Engineering council .
18 Further documentary material can be sought from the county archives service , and museums also may offer relevant material .
19 The complete tree ( but not the directions of the arrows ) can be generated from the function P as can P from the tree .
20 Hence word shape information need not be stored in the inverted look-up structure , it can be generated from the matched words at run-time and compared with the shape of the unknown word being searched for .
21 The second is the spoken-word production system : even if a word is correctly identified by the visual word-recognition system , it can not be read aloud lexically unless its pronunciation can be generated from the spoken-word production system .
22 In fact , it is probably accurate to understand this as one feature by which the mode of publication previously very characteristic of the English Association , can be differentiated from the professional journalism of the discipline in its newer , more autonomous academic guise .
23 Perhaps the most potent weapons used in Bosnia are mortars ; they can be fired from the grounds of hospitals or schools and quickly moved about .
24 At the next level the detail of a design can be analysed from the point of view of style ; indeed , until the twentieth century this was , with typological analysis , the principal method used in the study of coinage .
25 The various different types of pillbox can be seen from the canal towpath .
26 The reasons for the disappointment can be seen from the struggles to survive of three once-successful companies based around Leipzig .
27 The gathering momentum of clericalism under the Carolingians can be seen from the fact that while Alcuin still addressed his learning in many ways to the laity , his pupil Hrabanus Maurus , abbot of Fulda , wrote the De Institutione Clericorum , a compendium of theology and law exclusively for the clergy .
28 The top coin shows Henry VII ( 1485-1509 ) ; it is the same generic royal image which had been used for two centuries , as can be seen from the close similarity of the image used by Edward I ( compare fig. 3 ) .
29 This can be seen from the figures in Table 5 which also suggest that the longer the time they had lived in an old people 's home the less likely they were to go into hospital .
30 Sadly , as can be seen from the list of dispersals , even the older colleges have found it necessary to dispose of books .
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