Example sentences of "can [vb infin] the last [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If that is difficult , mimic suprasegmentals first , and then see if the utterance can be divided into several parts so you can mimic the last part first , and then add to it bit by bit .
2 She can enjoy the last freedom to be as she is ; her pursuits may seem strange , but after her death it may be discovered that her treasured collection — of old cups , pressed flowers , or newspaper cuttings — is quite priceless .
3 ‘ I can do the last bit , ’ she said hastily , exerting a steely self-control .
4 Three grand goes a fair way among the widows and apprentices , particularly as nobody can remember the last time there was an apprentice in the village .
5 Until 31 December individual investors can run the last tax year 's PEP maximum into this year 's quota , and commit up to £7,800 into shares and unit or investment trusts tax-free .
6 Accordingly , if we calculate p1 , p4 from the trace and determinant of A , we can discard the last equation and substitute for p1 in the remainder , when ( 3 ) reduces to unc Any two of these ( consistent ) equations give p2 , p3 their values in ( 4 ) .
7 To illustrate , we can take the last example of the five-year bond which is purchased after three years .
8 We can take the last equation and use it to calculate the classical force per unit mass due to the cosmological constant .
9 If the original payee is stumped for funds at maturity , the final holder can approach the last endorser for payment , who in turn can claim from the previous endorser , etc .
10 Yes , well just a postscript just to show to my earlier comments , I , I think this undertaking about street lighting will be met with some clarity over wide areas of Suffolk which have never seen a street light , er as far as I can recall the last figures I saw on this suggested that if we were to er carry out all the work that er parish is required it would take forty years to er meet the er thing , so perhaps it would be advisable for , for when this promise is acting on the
11 If now we postmultiply the ( 3 × 2 ) submatrix of A by I , we can add the last result to it to recover A as the matrix product unc Finally , a matrix of rank 1 can be expressed as the product of a column and a row in that order — for such a matrix has effectively only one independent column , all the other columns being proportional to it ; similarly for the rows .
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