Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 It is argued by Friedman , therefore , that any trade-off between unemployment and inflation can only be temporary and that the long-run Phillips curve must be vertical at the NUP .
2 Comments like ‘ big , black and smelly ’ can only be malicious and would not be protected .
3 Some methods avoid native language explanations altogether on the grounds that such explanations can only be abstract and confusing to the learner , and that they make him spend his time not so much in learning the language but rather in learning about the language ( Mackey 1965 p 240 ) .
4 The culture of the worker can only be subordinate and a closed system ; a security from the salient values of the industrial culture .
5 We are saying much the same thing when we derive the antithesis between sexuality and civilization from the circumstance that sexual love is a relationship between two individuals in which a third can only be superfluous or disturbing , whereas civilization depends on relationships between a considerable number of individuals .
6 Again , it is not totally inappropriate that this sort of overlap should exist since RMI must build upon the data that exist within the service ; it can not be separate and unrelated to that which currently exists .
7 Admittedly , the repetition of such similar patterns together can not be coincidental but , as with the mosaics from Newton St. Loe , this repetition is not always best explained by the presence of the same craftsmen at a different site .
8 Keith Sutton … brings us the worst of Fleet Street , the Sun , disguised as ‘ radical ’ … you can not be radical and look like the Sun ; it is a contradiction in terms .
9 You can not be tentative or apprehensive in your movements ; you have to throw caution to the wind and ‘ attack ’ a manoeuvre with the objective clearly in your mind .
10 Lewis was inclined to ground his grudging acceptance of democracy on the doctrine of original sin ; Tolkien rejected it on the grounds that public virtue can not be mechanised or formulated .
11 BELVILLE : Thou wast ever an impudent fellow and many a vile roguery have you kept from your mother — these late hours , these all-night works can not be right and to come home so sober .
12 Even the most Machiavellian child can not be good and bad at the same time
13 She disagrees with Leach 's statement that ‘ two-year-olds can not be good or naughty on purpose because they do not yet know right from wrong or understand what makes the difference ’ .
14 There has to be a freshness about teaching — it can not be pre-arranged and pre-packaged , for that almost always loses the attention of pupils , even if not also of the teacher .
15 Misperceptions of elderly people — from seeing them as a burden and expecting them to be docile , to assuming that older people can not be aggressive or violent — play a part in how physical abuse is perceived .
16 On the other hand , a photograph can not be generalized or simplified to bring out the important diagnostic features of a species ; it must be always of an individual at a particular time and place .
17 Thus ethical statements can not be true or false in a basic way , any more than a command can be .
18 When a sentence expresses an attitude or a wish it can not be true or false in this sense , for wishes and attitudes can not be true or false as beliefs can .
19 When a sentence expresses an attitude or a wish it can not be true or false in this sense , for wishes and attitudes can not be true or false as beliefs can .
20 So we must warn that percussion can easily be overworked and become tiresome .
21 Costs were high because injuries to a male can easily be crippling or fatal , whereas serious injuries to his companion can leave him without an essential partner in combating rival coalitions .
22 Dates are never reliable , and similar events can easily be confused or telescoped into one .
23 Whilst a mirror can allow a clear view of a painted ceiling , it can nonetheless be disorientating and disquieting .
24 The views of different researchers in the field of innovation are not necessarily incompatible , that is , planning and serendipity can both be important and be intertwined .
25 Doubt can have deep integrity , but it can also be lazy and dishonest .
26 It can also be minimal or extreme .
27 But it can also be weak and impoverished .
28 Since advertisements are often dated , they can be useful in establishing priority of issues ; but they can also be misleading and should always be interpreted with caution .
29 It can also be relieved or controlled by drugs and in severe cases , surgery .
30 They can also be forgetful or very tired and perhaps bad tempered .
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