Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] given [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first is that the retention by the state of taxes unlawfully exacted is particularly obnoxious , because it is one of the most fundamental principles of our law — enshrined in a famous constitutional document , the Bill of Rights 1688 — that taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament ; and full effect can only be given to that principle if the return of taxes exacted under an unlawful demand can be enforced as a matter of right .
2 Advice and assistance in making a will can only be given to a client who is over 70 , or disabled or suffering from a mental disorder ( or a parent or guardian wishing to provide for such a person ) , or a single parent wishing to appoint a testamentary guardian .
3 Opinion on an individual 's functioning can only be given to others with that person 's consent .
4 HRP can only be given for complete tax years ( 6 April to 5 April ) , so if you simply gave up work for a few weeks in order to help out , you would be unlikely to qualify .
5 In places where the RCN is not recognised then representation can only be given as a ‘ friend ’ .
6 What amounts to reasonableness is a question of fact and any answer approaching certainty can only be given after examining the circumstances of each case .
7 An answer can only be given in the kind of perspective which the processes of East-West reconciliation and arms control may , in any case , create : a perspective in which the strategic factors progressively diminish in importance , until the 19 Soviet divisions now stationed in the GDR have no more significance than a knight or bishop stranded on a square of a chessboard which no longer figures in the game .
8 In any fairly homogeneous society the meaning of even such basic valuational words as ‘ right ’ and ‘ wrong ’ can only be given in such value charged definitions , which point to the society 's shared values .
9 In the main , notices to be given under the Act can only be given in the prescribed form ( see the Landlord and Tenant 1954 Part II ( Notices ) ( Amendment ) Regulations 1989 ) .
10 Without probate of the will or letters of administration , neither executor nor administrator can take any steps in any other court of law , for the executor 's proof of his title , and the administrator 's title itself , can only be given by the Ecclesiastical Court .
11 The statement that the actions we ought to do are those which promote the general happiness would be useless if it meant nothing more than that they do promote it , and that something more can only be given by an intuition .
12 But suppose now we require that adequate grammatical descriptions include specifications of the meaning of every word in a language , and such a requirement has normally been assumed , then we find words whose meaning-specifications can only be given by reference to contexts of usage .
13 The coincidence between the ordinary predicative and clausal positions is all the more striking in that the inherently restrictive adjectives can not be so used in predicate qualifying position ( where restriction for identification is not appropriate ) ; this is why there is a further contrast between ( 57 ) and ( 59 ) , even though the adjective is one of this inherently restrictive group in both cases , and despite the fact that the property THIRD is certainly compatible in itself with the noun ox : ( 57 ) she considers the Admiral ( to be ) the worst ( e.g. of the village 's gardeners ) ( 58 ) she declared the squire ( to be ) the lazy ( 59 ) the revellers had eaten the ox the third ( 60 ) they ate their steaks well done Example ( 60 ) shows that eat can support predicate qualifiers , so that incompatibility between the verb and the construction can not be given as a reason for the ungrammaticality of ( 59 ) .
14 It can not be given to many scientists to be outstanding as experimenter , technical innovator and teacher ; Kuypers was unquestionably all of these .
15 Monetary policy can not be given to an ‘ independent ’ bank because it makes no sense to talk of monetary policy as independent of economic policy .
16 High priority can not be given to presubmission enquiries ; in urgent cases they can be made in the form of a one-page fax .
17 Approval can not be given after the six-month period has elapsed .
18 It can not be given in consideration of any sum under £30 .
19 If the answer can not be given in the shape of one person then it may be better to hold panel or sequential interviews ( see pp. 109 — 12 ) .
20 The answer can not be given by considering whether in the context of utterance it is likely to produce attitudes of some distinctively ethical sort , rather than some non-ethical attitudes or perhaps beliefs .
21 Consent can not be given by a child , for example , or by a severely subnormal individual .
22 If , therefore , one asks for a prediction of the instantaneous velocity , without making any observations , this can not be given within certain limits .
23 The answer to this question can best be given by example .
24 Should such a test be used in the course of teaching , low scores would not enable the teacher to decide what tasks can reasonably be given to the pupils who obtain them nor to decide what experiences may be suitable to forward their development .
25 Hand-outs can also be given at the end of the teaching session or sequence .
26 Negative payoffs , or punishments , can also be given without the manager realizing , with the result that desirable behaviour is discouraged .
27 Calpol can now be given to babies developing a feverish reaction after triple immunisations against whooping cough , diphtheria and tetanus .
28 This picture can either be given as a present for a ninetieth birthday , or made from some flowers that were presented on the day itself .
29 AD 130 has been provided by pottery , but no date can yet be given to the wall .
30 Until recently acetylcysteine was not recommended for use more than 15 hours after overdose , but there is now evidence that it can safely be given to patients up to 24 hours after ingestion and perhaps even later than this .
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