Example sentences of "can [adv] [verb] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 When I listen to him now , gung-ho for Delorsism , I can only reflect that Saul on the road to Damascus was nothing compared to Neil on the autoroute to Brussels .
2 One can only assume that Clinton means well .
3 We can only assume that Sussex did not diverge too far from the rest of the southern English religious experience , after its rather late entry into the fold .
4 ‘ We can only hope that Implexion 's agents will be appeased by our offer , although it is likely we will still be penalised for failing to furnish them with a living child .
5 Dagenham 's employees can only hope that Ford does not resurrect the phrase in the 1990s .
6 One can only hope that Charles Titford had chosen a wife for her lasting qualities , and was not ‘ seduced and betrayed ’ by a daub of lipstick and a set of false teeth ; his marriage lasted — as , in a sense , marriages had to — and it bore fruit .
7 Her family says they can only hope that Katharine 's tragedy will help bring a change in the law , so at least other victims will benefit from her experience .
8 Those who remained can only hope that Mr Serrano , while snuffing out democracy , will at least control the soldiers .
9 Their immediate neighbours were Joshua Burn , a grocer , at no. 6 , and James Bradnam , butcher , at no. 5 ; one can only hope that Mr. Bradnam kept his slaughterhouse at a decent distance from his retail premises — the very special aromas of a butcher 's and a grocer 's shop must have been enough to discourage many a potential guest at Miscellaneous Repos , without the sound of dying cries from butchered beasts .
10 ‘ Well , if it is indeed she , ’ came another , harder voice , ‘ I can only say that Rose Alderley is most tiresome .
11 We have heard on the television that there will be another and there are lots of people who are in , in absolute despair , because of what happened to their houses and their properties and their furniture and everything else and I think it is only right and proper and I can only say that West Sussex County Council has by so many people that it has
12 I had a WONDERFUL time and can only say that Malcolm and I are looking forward very much to many happy journeys in her at home and abroad in the future .
13 I can not think that Taggy would have been obliged to turn away her admirers otherwise . ’
14 I can not pretend that Mr James 's book attains the same degree of enlightenment .
15 Yet I can not feel that Adam was to blame .
16 Just because Ms Average is a cooperative rather than competitive speaker , we can not assume that Jane Smith who is sitting in front of you will not deliver the goods .
17 Though you can not deny that Stalinvast needed cleansing of its parasites !
18 The old-fashioned objected that it was dangerous to eyesight , and that those who read by candlelight did not need spectacles , but one can not imagine that Jane Austen was among them .
19 I can not say that Oldham ‘ dominated ’ the last 20 mins .
20 i can just verify that Frank is having talks with a spanish 1 div club ( i do nt think they have any ‘ premier div ’ down there — so first is first … ) — i guess Frank feels he does n't get the chance he + me + others thinks he deserves — Dino and Wallace just not delivering goals and Frank never getting more than the 10 last minutes from time to time .
21 ‘ I can just see that Kim Bassinger falling for you , ’ I told him .
22 ‘ As you wish , although you can hardly imagine that Jones would mind if he did find out .
23 Who can honestly say that Essex man was completely misguided ?
24 You can probably guess that Berne is not my favourite city .
25 One can reasonably say that Balboa 's triumph ultimately gave us San Diego and Los Angeles , Santa Barbara and Yerba Buena , San Ysidro and San Onofre , San Clemente and San Francisco .
26 We can also see that Socrates himself can not be regarded merely as an agent of destruction , despite the immediate responsibility of the Socratic impulse for the dissolution of tragedy .
27 As it was it was finished , as you can see on your map , after the war , erm but perhaps you can also see that Tom Tower is not yet built on yours .
28 We can also reveal that UPH negotiated their original purchase through John Finnegan of Finnegan Menton .
29 The national director of tourism , Mohammed Ali Said , can also claim that Oman has 1,100 miles of splendid beaches and unpolluted seas .
30 One can also add that St Paul , who plumbs the depths of desolation but also knows the heights of consolation and joy , provided Montini with a practical spirituality that kept him going throughout his long ‘ hidden life ’ in the Secretariat of State ( 1925–54 ) , his pastoral ministry in Milan ( 1955–63 ) and finally , his Petrine ministry .
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