Example sentences of "out on [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We buy two pints of Taylor Walker and take them out on to the rear balcony .
2 Graham Park stepped out on to the broad grey pavement outside the School and during a break in the traffic jogged across Theobald 's Road to its north side .
3 He could have run at her , forced her to the ground and banged her stupid , glossy head until her brains spilled out on to the stupid , glossy floor .
4 Fenella , who on Renascia had walked everywhere , found her breath snatched from her as her mount followed Caspar down the great avenue of beeches that guarded Tara and out on to the Tree-fringed high road .
5 He went back into the kitchen and Alison unlocked the window , stepping out on to the clay-tiled terrace .
6 Carrie sighed in resignation as he carried her out on to the small landing and leaned his shoulder against the bedroom door .
7 Making herself a cup of hot chocolate , Laura carried it out on to the small balcony overlooking the dark green water of the River Thames .
8 I walk out on to the great parade-ground beyond , where the grandstands left over from Trooping the Colour are still displacing the more usual arrangements for Trooping the Parked Cars .
9 The humans spilled out on to the wide concrete space in front of the building .
10 But at a time when incumbent leaders across the world are facing a recessionary backlash from their people , Mr Major can go out on to the international stage with enhanced authority .
11 Susan and Breeze seized their meagre luggage and stepped out on to the tiny wooden platform .
12 A white opening was visible , however , and they redoubled their efforts , tumbling out on to the gentle open slopes within seconds .
13 Slowly , with her fists clenched tightly and her lips pursed , she put one foot and then the other out on to the first stepping-stone .
14 If you do , the ants will climb out on to the upper surface of the block and you will not be able to replace the glass without crushing many of the ants .
15 Sara got up impulsively and threw open the french windows and stepped out on to the stone-flagged terrace .
16 I took a file from Joe 's box of tools , and ran out on to the dark marshes .
17 The first time that the door opened and spilled yellow light out on to the dark afternoon street , it was the parson making a bid for freedom .
18 On a raised dais in front of large windows looking out on to the agricultural college gardens sat the Inspector .
19 She looked across to where the lawyer stood , quietly detached by one of the windows of her large saloon , gazing out on to the extensive gardens .
20 The porter threw one venomous look at Ranulf , slammed the jack of ale down on the bench , grumblingly unlocked the postern door and led them out on to the white , dusty forest track which snaked between the trees down to Godstowe village .
21 As she stepped out on to the third floor , her dark brows were drawn together in the beginnings of a frown because she was still thinking of that last conversation .
22 Whenever he had the chance he got the whole school out on to the Common .
23 When she woke , Sylvia bathed and dressed , and went out on to the busy streets of Paris as soon as the two Waffen SS officers had gone .
24 A sky-blue bus lumbered past , then they shot out on to the curving mountain road behind it , and a second later overtook it with a roar that must have terrified the already nervous passengers , as the buses always drove maniacally around these bends , desperate to stick to their schedule right down to the last fraction of a second .
25 In winter some continued ashore , reinforcing their tents and huts for extra warmth , while others moved out on to the inshore sea ice , living in snow houses and feeding mostly on fish and seals .
26 Past the security guard , up the ramp , out on to the dim street .
27 In about 20 seconds , to thunderous applause , I am to step out on to the huge sweeping stairs , each one lit with a different colour for my famous Georges Guetary pastiche from An American In Paris , Stairway to Paradise .
28 The clash of ginger on pink as a small skipper butterfly lands on petals of camp ion ; gorse pods popping in the hot sun ; small striped snails creeping out on to the wet path after a cloud burst ; soldier beetles gathered on the white umbels of wild carrot : these sights and sounds I can enjoy at my pottering leisure — whilst the hordes of laden hikers tramp by with stern faces and never a glance to left or right .
29 Carefully he began to follow it out on to the main road .
30 Then , when they turned out on to the main road , Luke overtook her with an authoritative toot .
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