Example sentences of "out to the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sol Wagner , an American sexologist , lecturing in Britain in 1977 , referred to the British as " obsessed " with sex ; and to some extent this is true , due as he pointed out to the double-thinking of those of us who retain inhibitions and hang-ups born of earlier years and the mixture of fascination and revulsion connected with sex which lies so deep in many of us .
2 Replacement equipment was being flown out to the rig from the helicopter 's base at Aberdeen .
3 She even made a miniature Guide uniform for one four-year-old tot , and popped her on the back of her bicycle when she went out to the reserve for Guide meetings .
4 Gable refused to work further and Metro 's boy-wonder Irving Thalberg had to fly out to the location at Catalina to calm Gable down and persuade him to continue filming .
5 It was ‘ Frank Sinatra and Trevor Howard in … ’ and there was Trevor Howard going out to the location in the car , bumping around in this old Citroën .
6 And the tally of crown successes over its opponents far outnumbers its few failures ; Douglases , Crichtons , Livingstones , Erskines , Gordons , Hamiltons and many other members of aristocratic families who lost out to the crown over a huge range of disputes , from the heights of violent conflict to the crown 's ability to beat off rival claimants to lands , would have been astonished by the belief of later historians that they were more powerful than the monarchy .
7 She had gone out to the Windmill for ale while he contented himself in the kitchen .
8 He gazed out to the horizon with unseeing eyes and thought about his present life , the hopelessness of the future , about Amy , about his family .
9 It 's being sent out to the public through the post with no attempt to spare her pride or hide her name .
10 In the consultation document that was first put out to the public in nineteen ninety one , the public was only offered the yellow route .
11 Tom , Faye and Bill were still talking there , and as she crossed the entrance foyer that led out to the veranda on this side , she heard her own name .
12 ‘ This is Mrs Crupp 's dish of kidneys , sir , for which she sent out to the pastrycook in David Copperfield .
13 THE business worked by magic — until Musgrave donned his only clean suit , the infallible sign that he was off on a call to Lord Glenconner or Sir Michael Culmne-Seymour , who used to bail him out to the tune of £50 or £100 .
14 The time had come to splash out to the tune of forty quid a head for the eight members of his party who had travelled with him from the Forest of Arden to Sussex by the Sea .
15 Mr MacAskill argued that Scotland was already losing out to the south of England in terms of investment with £65 million spent over three years north of the Border compared with £1.2 billion allocated by the Government to fund the Jubilee Underground line in London .
16 Putting the envelope back on the hall table she went out to the shed for her bike .
17 All you ‘ ave to do is go out to the shed at the back of the pub where they pile up them empty crates , and Rose should be with you in a jiffy . ’
18 Mike the Rhodesian and I were on ‘ corvée ’ duties one afternoon and were carrying the dustbins out to the shed behind the cookhouse where all the rubbish was deposited , which was home to a lot of stray cats and some aggressive rats .
19 The thousands of East German refugees in West German embassies , the tens of thousands who have poured out to the West through Hungary are a terrible and unending indictment of his Stalinist regime .
20 Bella lapsed into silence , staring out to the west at the vast industrial complex upstream of the resort .
21 There was no reply to her calls so the lifeboat continued to search out to the west of the area .
22 Yet this book , filling in the gaps Khrushchev left when the bulk of his reminiscences were smuggled out to the West in the early 1970s , is the most depressing reading for Mr Gorbachev .
23 On the death of a bishop , while his spiritual jurisdiction and income were administered by the dean , or prior , and chapter of the cathedral church , the temporalities of the see — as with any tenant-in-chief during a minority-reverted to the crown for the duration of the vacancy ; they were usually farmed or leased out to the profit of the crown and of the farmers who were naturally inclined to extract as much as they could from the windfall .
24 An Admiralty clerical worker : Had found the body at about 9. 50 am , when taking office waste out to the yard for collection .
25 ‘ He 's entered in a race at Worcester the day after tomorrow , ’ Tremayne said as we walked out to the yard at seven in the half-dawn .
26 ‘ You did n't have to , she was touching you , ’ Fiona said , voice quiet , looking away from Fergus , out to the darkness of the loch .
27 I have n't been out to the park in a couple of months and that visit was strictly business .
28 The Gascon led Corbett and Ranulf through a maze of corridors which led out to the back of the palace , across a deserted dusty yard into one of the large outbuildings there .
29 He followed the signs out to the airport to the north .
30 And the personal and loving Father , the almighty and awesome Yahweh , bows out to the god of Aristotle : the impersonal first cause in a chain of scientific causation — the ‘ unmoveable mover ’ .
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