Example sentences of "out in [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What are the advantages of implementing the control unit of a processor by microprogramming , Wilkes ( 1951 ) introduced the concept as a means by which the design and implementation of a control unit could be carried out in a Systematic and logical manner ; this advantage is a Particularly valuable one today , when uniform electronic layouts are well suited to the technology of LSI .
2 But the next thing we knew he was all kitted out in a blue and white sailor suit , smelling sweetly of baby lotion and with not a wet patch to be seen .
3 Sensitivity at the outset far outweighs a full routine of complicated strokes if they are carried out in a mechanical and impersonal manner .
4 If the organization 's strategy has been worked out in a thorough and collaborative way , there should exist a mutual understanding of roles as between departments .
5 The redevelopment of the Shenley Hospital for new housing suggests that such redevelopment can be carried out in a sensitive and locally acceptable manner .
6 LASMO believes that as operator it must take responsibility for the care and protection of the environment and it must ensure that every aspect of its work is carried out in a safe and effective way .
7 But if we are going to accuse them of this then we had better also accuse them of inventing the doctrine of the Trinity , for although the New Testament provides evidence for such a cardinal Christian belief it does not set it out in a clear or distinct fashion .
8 For example , a person offering a service must carry it out in a proper and workmanlike way , or to a standard agreed with the customer .
9 ‘ My father would lift me over the turnstile at the Brandywell , with me decked out in a red and white scarf and hat . ’
10 If the universe is indeed spatially infinite , or if there are infinitely many universes , there would probably be some large regions somewhere that started out in a smooth and uniform manner .
11 ( If each configuration is equally probable , it is likely that the universe started out in a chaotic and disordered state , simply because there are so many more of them . )
12 The discussions took place in the homes of some of the respondents and appeared to be carried out in a relaxed and informal manner .
13 The Minister also said that the medical examination had been carried out in a sympathetic and professional manner .
14 He put the home side on their way with an excellent goal in the first half , had what looked like a perfectly good effort ruled out in the second and caused the Latvians all sorts of problems with his well timed runs from deep .
15 Despite an expansion in access to education in the 1970s and reforms carried out in the 1960s and again in the late 1970s , the fundamental patterns of inequality have remained and have been accentuated by the war .
16 An exhibition of the work of conceptual photographer Hans Peter Feldmann carried out in the 1960s and 1970s runs parallel to these two exhibitions .
17 The Doctor had explained that in 1969 a man had walked on the moon ; that unmanned space flights to other stars had been sent out in the 1970s and towards the end of the twentieth century manned space flights had visited other planets in the solar system .
18 The Scot said : ‘ I was one punch away from knocking him out in the fifth and if I had n't been injured , I would have finished him . ’
19 In a review of studies on productivity and ageing carried out in the 1950s and 1960s , one researcher concluded that ‘ productivity is , by and large , affected only minimally , if at all , by age . ’
20 Among other research it led to a series of studies — mostly carried out in the 1950s and 1960s — of the personalities of very creative people .
21 Thoughts on women and politics generally tended to emerge on an ad hoc basis as a by-product of empirical studies into voting behaviour and political participation carried out in the 1950s and 60s .
22 Because we felt that the application for mining , the timing would be picked by the companies , there would be immense pressure on the people to change their position because at that stage it would be out in the open that there was money there and that it would be in the government 's hands and we felt we would lose that so what we had to do was get it stopped before it got to that stage ’ .
23 The few that remained squatted out in the open or tucked themselves into tiny holes , often with their hindquarters clearly visible .
24 But it must be equally obvious that during spells of prolonged rain the rabbits are much more likely to stay underground in the warmth and security of their burrow systems rather than braving it out in the open and being constantly soaked .
25 Bringing these out in the open and subjecting them to scrutiny and analysis will yield fruitful results .
26 Get the anger and pain out in the open and cry over it .
27 What they felt was out in the open and they both knew it could go no further until whatever lay ahead was over .
28 He was right out in the open and the wind was blowing towards us .
29 Let us get things out in the open and have an SEC to ensure that the honour of the City of London is well protected by a statutory authority .
30 It should be a lot easier now that everything 's out in the open and it should help you to come to terms with things , as well as Len . ’
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