Example sentences of "out and [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She ran it beneath the cold tap for a moment then dried it and returned to the pan , lowering the heat , scooping the eggs out and onto a plate .
2 With his unbuttoned shirt hanging outside his trousers , and his bare feet thrust into his shoes , he clattered out and down the stairs , his socks clutched ridiculously in his hand .
3 Then , putting it on and pulling the collar tight about her throat , she lit the candle that was standing in a holder on her bedside table , and went quietly out and along the corridor to the kitchen , through it and into the scullery , where they had a running tap above a shallow stone sink .
4 He could see small fields , woods and a lake up there , and from the lake a river spilled out and over the edge
5 ‘ I thought he 'd saved it at first and was turning to run back to defend when it popped out and over the line .
6 I was out and under the bonnet when I got stopped by this policeman .
7 Eva was out and up the steps before the other leader , greeting her deputy with an affectionate hug and kiss , much to the surprise of the man who was still climbing the steps .
8 ‘ I was scared she would get out and off the estate , wake up and — and … ’
9 The Lear Jet was 600 feet out and to the left .
10 Hitler was breaking out and at the time his bombers , summoned up by Franco , were in the process of wiping out the Basques ' spiritual and cultural home of Guernica .
11 they mentioned he had an excellent game — and from the goals showed the scot goalkeeper could have done much better on two of the italian goals … specially the first one — a flat shot from far out and at an angle too .
12 It 's so , I mean , wake up Christmas morning and they put a tray out , the first thing they do on , the last thing at night , Christmas Eve they put a big tray out and on the tray they got it 's a called and they 're like chocolate biscuits , they 're like biscuits , right , and that gets with every member of the house , say there 's ten in that house , that that gets lined round the outside of the tray , right , and then inside of that 'll be now a circle of the wine , and then they have like whatever drink they got in the middle and the first thing that happens Christmas Eve morning is they get up and that gets poured and the tray goes round , if you sit down
13 With legs stretched out and with no space to flex a muscle — or so it seems to the beginner — a sneeze might unbalance the boat .
14 The hooves slammed out and with a snort of terror it hurtled off up the path followed by the others .
15 Being a true Yorkshire lass , Gunda reached out and with a lump of stone that was to hand beat the dog off .
16 Bad luck on the Liberal Flemish Freedom and Progress Party ( PVV ) and the Francophone Liberal Reform Party ( PRL ) , who got left out and with a handful of other minority parties make up a discordant opposition .
17 And he sends her money home every week , when he 's in the army and he 's not here for to help her get the place sorted out and with the price of everything so dear .
18 Some three-quarters of all the slips in the book had been torn out and with the exception of three , all the stubs had been torn out too .
19 The larva comes out and into the world .
20 Other attacks also petered out and by the autumn King Louis and the Angevin princes were sufficiently depressed to put out peace feelers .
21 But facing me in the nets for two winters , he got to know my bowling inside out and by the end of our stay in Cape Town he was hammering me all around the practice area .
22 She heard him call out and by the barks behind her knew that Hector followed .
23 The message is made undiscussable by the very natural way it is carried out and by the absence of any inquiry .
24 ‘ The men on the right wing and the men on the left have lost half the ranks behind them , although they 're spread out and from the front it looks just the same .
25 The Byzantine influence is seen in the mosaic decoration inside and out and in the marble facing patterns while the Romanesque provides the general constructional layout .
26 A furious row broke out and in the confusion Modigliani got the blame and poor Simone was cut over the eye with broken glass and scarred for life .
27 There are consequently variations in the quality and availability of reading material in school and out and in the number of teachers who can speak the language and teach in it .
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