Example sentences of "out from the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I felt the corporeal elephant on whose back my world was supported amble effortlessly along , rather that it being necessary for me to lean out from the howdah of my head and goad him .
2 A peal of laughter rolled out from the darkness in front of them ; rich and deep and full of warmth .
3 ‘ And Moses and Aaron said unto all the children of Israel , At even , then ye shall know that the Lord hath brought you out from the land of Egypt : And in the morning , then ye shall see the glory of the Lord ; for that he heareth your murmurings against the Lord : and what are we , that ye murmur against us ?
4 I fear not , for indeed ‘ they hearkened not unto Moses ’ , they murmured against him , and against Aaron , which is to say , they murmured against the Lord , for was it not the Lord Himself , speaking and working in Moses , who had brought them out from the land of Egypt ? ’
5 This mill was built of brick instead of stone like the Old Mill in the village , and the original six-storey building survives among the extensions built around it , with Arkwright 's peculiar staircase projection with Venetian and small semi-circular windows standing out from the sea of square-headed windows on either side , and with a cupola above .
6 Morrissey stood out from the bill in that he 's not yobbish .
7 Thwaite is also on the Pennine Way and it was the Pennine Way route I took one August cloudy day lip and out from the village towards Keld .
8 As a result they flew out from the hive at an angle of 85° to the right of where the food actually was .
9 George was impressed with the new man 's knowledge of sheep , appreciating how quickly he spotted a sick or lame sheep and how neatly he and Meg could cut it out from the herd for attention .
10 This is a large and important northern constellation , leading out from the Square of Pegasus in the direction of Capella .
11 He said that looking out from the platform towards the town reminded him of the late President Kennedy looking out over the Berlin Wall .
12 ‘ So we set out from the beginning to be ‘ author-friendly ’ .
13 Practice varies , and it is good practice to find out from the beginning in order to avoid unpleasant surprises at a later date .
14 Children also need help to move out from the parochialism of their world .
15 He would write in the garden , steeping out from the verandah at the back of the house ( ‘ my Riviera ’ ) and hurrying past the flowers and trees to a small revolving hut , like a monk 's cell with its desk and chair and bunk .
16 These may seem somewhat recondite fripperies , but the activities of the lord lieutenants ensure that the fine gradations of class distinction filter out from the Court across the land .
17 The hut seemed to be as he had last seen it except that the settee had been pulled out from the wall to the centre of the room .
18 The blood was oozing out from the tip of his boot and his face had turned the usual grey colour of the soldier who had been wounded .
19 Look out from the embankment along the River Vltava to Charles Bridge and across to the far bank of the Staré Město with its neo-Renaissance water tower , now the Smetana Museum .
20 None came and still under the drug 's influence at dawn , he found himself looking out from the top of a forty-foot tree — he had no memory of climbing it — and looking down on a vast meadow , flecked with patterns of multi-coloured light and rocks which turned into horses , all of which filled him with ‘ tremendous emotions ’ .
21 Turning out from the top of the thighs , bend both legs .
22 Even across the Park beyond the main fence of the Zoo , over which the eagles could see if they braved the cold and stared out from the top of their cages , there was not a single person .
23 And in the middle of that , they thought that perhaps an ornamental lighting column with sort of , with lights coming out from the top of it just to make it a bit more fancy .
24 Sometimes the blockage may be visible from the top of the downpipe and can be hoicked out from the top with a length of stiff wire — try a straightened-out coat hanger .
25 Next to the Met Office was the teleprinter room where yards of paper would come spewing out from the machine at regular intervals , bearing coded weather reports from all the other Met Stations in the United Kingdom and a few weather ships in the Atlantic , and these had to be painstakingly plotted on blank charts of the British Isles .
26 Even had he the strength , the swim would take him out from the protection of the cliff .
27 Individuals who can not accept these norms are cast out from the protection of the group .
28 I squeezed the plastic bottle and sent a jet of petrol out of it , over the wick of the lighter , held a few centimetres out from the nozzle by an aluminium tent-peg .
29 Many primary teachers start investigations of the past by working out from the history of the school , village or local area .
30 Ten years ago I had purchased such a camera , a Pentax ME Super , and fortunately , I was able to dig it out from the back of a cupboard to find that it was still in excellent working order .
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