Example sentences of "out of the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Auditors and consultants who spend more than 50% of their time out of the LA and Chicago offices will no longer have their own desk space .
2 I remember how the tar used to boil out of the tarmac and stick to the soles of our shoes , and from there to our socks and our legs .
3 If beds are blocked by for example geriatric patients er in medical or even surgical wards , wo n't there be a trickle effect and therefore it will be impossible for the patients who need to go up to these other wards to get out of the A and E department ?
4 There was indeed , an air about the place : it was moving out of the west and by the late afternoon , gusting in winds up to 40 miles per hour , would turn over benches .
5 Generally the provisions affecting settled property properly so-called — where the property is held by trustees for administration in accordance with the terms of a deed of settlement — are framed round the conception of the trust beneficiary as the transferor of the property involved in any transfer of value which takes place in consequence of any dealing with the property by way of advances out of the capital or disposal of his beneficial interest or termination of that interest by surrender or on death .
6 twelve months ago you sorry twelve months ago you possibility that the falling out of the capital and accounts profits might be replaced by er taking some credit for the obvious major turnaround of B-Sky-B and I wonder whether you could elucidate on the prospects of that ?
7 They come out of the heart and branch like a wishbone , one to each lung , do you see that , now the arrow direction is away from the heart and that 's a vein and you 'd expect that to be coming back to the heart would n't you ?
8 My goal is to get the technology out of the lab and into the hands of others . ’
9 When I was quite certain that she was totally relaxed and comfortable , I brought her out of the regression and out of the hypnotic state .
10 Although notions of purpose ( ‘ teleology ’ ) still have a place in biology , they have dropped out of the physics and chemistry which have become our model sciences .
11 ‘ And I took your tomatoes out of the salad and put them in as well . ’
12 He pulled something partly out of the sack and seemed to be peering at it .
13 I managed to wriggle my hands out of the tape so I could pull down the gag , poke my head out of the sack and breathe more freely .
14 She scrambled up out of the hedge and reached the roadside just as the bus rolled past .
15 His revolutionary ‘ separate condenser ’ led to the generations of steam engines that drove countless trains and ships into an ever-expanding world of trade and industry , a future that Watt 's insight had created out of the slave and horse-power eras of the preceding 2,000 years .
16 The Empire end of this pass is protected by the fortress of Helmgart , a massive tower which rises out of the mountain-side and whose battlements overlook the narrow path below .
17 Startled , she turned to see a man with a gun walking out of the folly and then , to her relief , a dog at his heels .
18 Slowly , she heaved herself out of the sand and then , with a sickening crack she crashed back again .
19 Why does not he take his head out of the sand and understand Scotland 's problems ?
20 I cut off the path proper and charged up over a dune and down its other side to where the service pipe carrying the water and electricity to the house appears out of the sand and crosses the creek .
21 It is alleged by the plaintiff that the use of these roads by numerous heavy goods vehicles at night amounts to a public nuisance for which the defendants are responsible : the dock company because it controls the Gillingham Gate and by its operation of the gate and the port in general causes or permits the heavy goods vehicles to go in and out of it at all hours , and the fourth and fifth defendants , Crescent Wharves Ltd. and Ship Link Terminals Ltd. respectively , because as sublessees of the dock company they or their customers send heavy goods vehicles in and out of the port and cause or materially contribute to the alleged nuisance .
22 During peak periods I 've known 200 lorries waiting to tip , backing-up out of the port and along the surrounding roads .
23 Then , just after the beginning of the rains , the soldiers stand aside and flying termites pour out of the clefts and swirl into the sky like smoke .
24 Oh and the fourth thing that happened is the timbers , core samples were taken out of the timbers and they were sent for erm dendrochronology .
25 Joe was already out of the kitchen and half-way across the yard and Bella began to put the dishes together .
26 She now flapped her hand as if shooing something away , then went out of the kitchen and onto the landing , and here , as she had before , she stopped , but only long enough to raise her eyes to the whitewashed ceiling as her mind said , Dear God , do n't let anything come of this .
27 She bumped into Cal coming out of the kitchen and they started arguing over who should make the tea .
28 She slipped out of the kitchen and hurried across to the stables to warn her friend .
29 Mrs Stych , untying her apron , bustled out of the kitchen and tried not to show her despair .
30 ‘ Let's have it in the sitting-room , ’ Miss Honey said , picking up the tray and leading the way out of the kitchen and down the dark little tunnel into the room at the front .
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