Example sentences of "out [adv prt] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is a well known fact that all Spanish men are born with a football in their mouth and so I am sure his dormant skills will blossom forth as soon as he walks out on to the park .
2 Frogs and reptiles gather beside the exits snapping at the insects as they flock out on to the ramps .
3 There is in particular one very small hotel , the Hôtel des Rem parts , whose rear windows look straight out on to the church and its battlements , and beyond them to the woods and escarpments rising sharply behind .
4 But the men gave way , because they had no choice , and the next minute the car had bounced out on to the road , turning left , away from the village and up towards the dale head .
5 The Dents owned the very first car in Baldersdale and that created quite a stir I remember being at school when they first drove it round the place and the teacher brought us all out on to the road to have a closer look at this amazing thing .
6 But this morning , while I was driving that car through the village , the entire engine fell out on to the road !
7 The next moment the two of them were running down the drive together and then out on to the road , and Matilda was ahead , pulling Miss Honey after her by her wrist , and it was a wild and wonderful dash they made along the country lane and through the village to the house where Matilda 's parents lived .
8 There was so little space in the car and I was so cramped that one of the policemen lifted me bodily out on to the road .
9 Benin turned back to Vasili then gripped the cassette in both hands and snapped it in half , allowing the tape to spill out on to the road .
10 The last great depression took Orwell out on to the road , on a quest for the meanings of mass poverty .
11 Lydia and Betty pushed their way out on to the road and sat on the wall that protected the customers from passing cars .
12 She looked in the garden again and then went back through the house and out on to the road .
13 He had n't been joking , Shiona observed to herself now , as she followed his tail out on to the road to Balerno .
14 Guido had switched on the engine , and now , with a soft purr , the car headed out on to the road .
15 Minutes later , Rachel was running out on to the road , hailing a taxi and driving off into Central .
16 She eventually managed to raise the alarm by crawling out on to the road and stopping a passer-by .
17 He shut the gate then just ran straight out on to the road .
18 Ulster protestantism is not contained within churches but spills out on to the streets .
19 It was a visit to Peking by the Soviet president in May that helped to bring more than a million demonstrators out on to the streets on two successive days , pushing China 's student-led protest movement towards its tragic climax .
20 Aside from employing field officers who go out on to the streets , intelligence agencies gobble up an incredible amount of technically skilled manpower , simply to run their huge banks of computers , and large numbers of foreign-speaking translators .
21 In Derry they should take their politics out on to the streets and he urged an extension of direct action .
22 When these weapons are taken out on to the streets , it can lead to a change in the spiritual climate , of which more later .
23 Fired with enthusiasm , Parker decided to get needles out on to the streets .
24 Animals in all stages of misery are turned out on to the streets , left in remote areas , even just left behind after the family holiday .
25 Over three days , speakers repeatedly conjured up images of incompetent social engineers , bent on disarming honest citizens and leaving them helpless in the face of criminals ; ‘ anti-gun fetishists ’ in the media , with their expense-account life-styles and homes far from the front line ; lawyers who turn criminals out on to the streets to kill and rape again ; and , above all , the federal government , which is determined to subvert the constitution by establishing a monopoly of arms .
26 All London came out on to the streets to watch when Essex and his men left for Ireland .
27 But for Balbir , as for the majority of Asian girls who have turned to prostitution , they still think that it is too degrading for them to consider going out on to the streets .
28 Then , to sober up , we 'd spill out on to the streets and do the street-lamps until dawn .
29 She took the message out on to the streets of Stockton yesterday .
30 At Firbank , where the chapel proved too small , he went out on to the fell to preach to the people , saying that God 's church was not made of stone but of the air and the countryside around .
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