Example sentences of "out [art] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , the joyous sound of bells may be ringing out the tune of 'Those beautiful red roses that once you gave me ’ , all over sunlit uplands — though I doubt that .
2 ‘ It 's for the starving multitudes , ’ he whined through his matted beard , holding out the crock of gold in his blood-stained fingers .
3 You will carry out the activity of research at least once on all cases .
4 The purpose of the model is to describe how a particular person develops individuality in carrying out the Activities of Living .
5 She bent over Rob 's hand and slowly , deftly drew out the sliver of wood .
6 This would definitely rule out the provision of tea or coffee , which would be seen as a way of putting the taxpayer at ease — which is the last thing the inspector would wish to achieve .
7 The headmaster threw back his head and gave out the kind of laugh dished out by medieval jailers to boastful prisoners .
8 This could help to give substance to what is meant by the spiritual dimension , for both of them lived out the kind of character expressed in the middle column of Table 6.1 .
9 Excel boasts a graph creating wizard , which guides you through graph creation , and turns out the kind of thing you see in the screenshots .
10 It might even be Mr Ozal himself ( he has not ruled out the idea of standing ) , but one of his associates seems a likelier choice .
11 She ruled out the idea of workfare , where claimants are forced to work for benefits or have them withdrawn , for all three million unemployed .
12 It was found that males and females would become sexually excited and were strongly motivated to mate even though they seemed incapable of correctly carrying out the act of copulation .
13 United Artists were tempted to point out the dangers of Communism and released Red Salute , which dealt with the growing appeal of Communism for student leaders .
14 Peter Lavin ( Echoes , February 18 ) points out the dangers of occultism , exhorting your newspaper to carry a health warning with every article written about psychic experiences .
15 Masters and Servants , an installation by Graham Tunnadine which involves an animated , talking hologram made by artificial intelligence pioneer Alan Turing in 1947 to point out the dangers of machine intelligence ( 14 Mar–12 Apr . ) .
16 The object of the present volume is : to indicate the character and approximately , the extent of the changes produced by human action in the physical condition of the globe we inhabit ; to point out the dangers of imprudence and the necessity of caution in all operations which , on a large scale , interfere with the spontaneous arrangements of the organic or the inorganic world ; to suggest the possibility and the importance of the restoration of disturbed harmonies and the material improvement of waste and exhausted regions ; and incidentally , to illustrate the doctrine , that man is , in both kind and degree , a power of a higher order than any of the other forms of animated life , which , like him , are nourished at the table of bounteous nature .
17 For M Delors , a Labour government held out the hope of support for some of his budget proposals , which are set to cost the British taxpayer an extra £1 billion per year .
18 The paper proposed for each area of the curriculum for pupils 5–14 ‘ a nationally agreed set of guidelines setting out the aims of study , the content to be covered , and the objectives to be achieved ’ .
19 There 's a very interesting table which is now produced by the D of E , not by Labour Weekly or anybody else , which lays out the amounts of money that are set aside in order for the collection .
20 In 1766 a Cumberland man pointed out the difficulties of agriculture in the region — it was too wet to grow wheat — and estimated that a quarter of Cumberland was owned by thirty lords and gentlemen , and the remainder divided between 10,000 small landowners .
21 and he would be only able to pick out a lot of the basic words , he could probably pick out the beginning of appreciation
22 Even high street chains like Hennes who have consistently used the top models since 1989 have not ruled out the possibility of change .
23 In the next section we shall look at the position of theists and of atheists when they do not rule out the possibility of dialogue with one another on grounds of unintelligibility , whether the unintelligibility be God-given or humanly made .
24 This does not rule out the possibility of critique which by investigation of the structure and forms of ideology as materialized expression ( discourse ) , can affect the forms of human practice .
25 But , even though it discouraged optimism and ruled out the possibility of progress , it did not weigh too heavily on medieval historians , particularly because the year 1000 which had been awaited by many with a mixture of hope and trepidation , had passed without any sign of the world coming to an end .
26 Although Humphrey emphasises that one can not rule out the possibility of auto workers being a conservative force in the future , he does demonstrate that , at this particular historical-political conjuncture , their militant action provided a catalyst for change for the working class .
27 ‘ Then you do not now rule out the possibility of murder ? ’ she said .
28 Vice-President Augustus Aikhomu on July 17 ruled out the possibility of war with Cameroon over the two neighbours ' long-running border dispute .
29 In addition , British membership of Nato and of the Commonwealth held out the possibility of access to a multiplicity of markets .
30 This is not to rule out the possibility of language convergence in terms of grammar , lexis and phonology , which has been reported in a number of cases .
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