Example sentences of "out [prep] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 The blunt-talking Yorkshireman has been voted out as chairman of the Umpires ' Association by his fellow pros .
2 A confidential review of long-term unemployment is being carried out as part of the Department of Employment 's examination of the Government 's £1.3billion Employment Training programme .
3 Questionnaires sent out as part of the HSC employment department 's 1990 labour force survey showed that only about a third of reportable accidents appear in official statistics , that 2 million people have illnesses they believe are caused or made worse by work , and that work related accidents and ill health are probably resulting in about 30m days off work a year in the UK .
4 In the normal course of events this would have been ‘ tidied up ’ — wiped out as part of the scheme and conveniently buried .
5 He really knows which details to bring out as part of the musical logic of the piece , and he has the technique to do it .
6 Aerobic walking carried out as part of the Walking Diet will burn off more fat during the activity period than carbohydrate .
7 In addition to internal alterations , general repairs and redecoration of all buildings externally were carried out as part of the Contract , together with associated site works and provision of additional car parking .
8 The police say that there is no suggestion that it was the result of terrorism ; the belief rather is that it was caused by building works being carried out as part of the routine modernisation of the royal residences .
9 Maryland and Rice Universities are also contributing to the work , which is being carried out as part of the National Science Foundation 's Center for Research in Parallel Computation .
10 one of those projects erm was , was an advice er advice project for tenants who were being moved out as part of the , as part of the programme of moving o of moving the tenants out ,
11 The bonus each policyholder will actually get will depend on the reversionary ( or annual ) bonuses they have received to date on the with-profits element of their policies and will probably be paid out as part of the 1993 bonus distribution in February or March 1994 .
12 I was hoping that we could actually tease out as part of the discussion , whether there is erm a positive way forward if if we if you are minded if we are minded to recommend the new settlement , then I would hope we would tease out during the course of this discussion erm the preferred or a preferred host authority for this new settlement .
13 This configuration may then be compiled and linked using a command file or a set of command files that have also been read out as part of the structure .
14 There were 47 control studies , 50 research studies ( no clinical diagnostic problem ) , and 375 studies carried out as part of the clinical service offered by the Department , at the request of consultant clinicians .
15 Sputum testing was not carried out as part of the selection process .
16 The questionnaire survey , seminars , and interviews that have been carried out as part of the evaluation and monitoring exercise have all focused on this area .
17 The survey was carried out as part of the government 's Food Advisory Committee 's review of food labelling .
18 The government also claims that environmental impact assessment already carried out as part of the process of gaining planning permission met EC standards .
19 Look out for realignment of the left — within the parliamentary party — this autumn .
20 ‘ Talented kids have missed out through lack of the proper learning environment .
21 With certain types of plant it may be necessary for tests and Statutory Certification to be carried out after completion of the repairs and an early investigation provides the opportunity for testing arrangements to be made .
22 Alternatively , where it is likely that the creditors will need to be paid before the debts can be collected , the purchaser may wish to make a retention out of part of the purchase price which it then uses for satisfying the creditors .
23 At the back , sometimes out of sight of the others , I became engrossed in my own problems .
24 Such an innocent river , for all that it knew a secret , for all that one of its stones had put a man out of sight of the sunset !
25 Why else should so many be high out of sight of the congregation , only sharply visible to us when using a telephoto lens ?
26 He walked straight back round the top of the little dale until they came down the slope to the road , well out of sight of the cottage .
27 She had only seen him when she had climbed the wooden steps up to the promenade : he was out of sight of the kiosk , waiting across the road , almost hidden in the dark cave of an amusement arcade .
28 He divides his party and his flocks and herds into two , and plans to put one out of sight of the other .
29 Following the left bank of the river , you are rarely out of sight of the water .
30 Heads roll ( though out of sight of the passengers ) if the local bus is late or the agent is lost .
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