Example sentences of "out [prep] the [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 The Maritime Museum is fighting it out for the title with the National Fishing Heritage Museum in Grimsby and the Museum of Childhood in Edinburgh .
2 A review of the significance of natural contamination to planning and development in Great Britain is being carried out for the DOE with the aim of outlining in broad terms the relevance of the physical and chemical restraints on planning and development imposed by natural contamination .
3 And , by the way , the reason I have to go is because Joanna is going out for the day with Ian Woodall . ’
4 Ms McCarthy was out for the evening with a friend , Stacey Gallacher , when they heard that acid house partygoers were meeting on Clapham Common .
5 Paula Harrison , of North Green , Staindrop , had been out for the evening with friends when she fell 15ft from the bridge into the Tees on Saturday .
6 But there was a FOR SALE board up , new today , he had n't seen it there this morning when he set out for the meeting with the AC .
7 Vinny Jones has been sold to Wimbledon and David Lee is set to come in for Paul Elliott , who will be out for the season with injury .
8 The product was discreetly set out towards the back with the label half turned away .
9 For an instant she had been tempted to get out of the invitation with a lie .
10 Gray … sells cypresses in pots at half a crown apiece ; you turn them out of the pot with all their mould , and they never fail . ’
11 Albert was reading in the library because Mr Morgan was coming to give him an extra Greek lesson and Hepzibah was busy , bustling in and out of the kitchen with no time for Carrie .
12 Behind him , Ann had come out of the kitchen with Matthew clutching her skirt .
13 He took her arm , almost lifting her from her seat , leading her out of the kitchen with no further words .
14 The headmaster stepped out of the gallery with a couple of the older boys .
15 Ethel ran out of the door with the frightening single-mindedness that later made her the most successful Tiller Girl .
16 Their earlier high spirits were gone now , out of the door with Tommy Blue .
17 The maid gave a knowing little nod and backed out of the door with a smile on her face .
18 And the failure of IBM management is that it did n't understand — and still does n't understand — the extent of the mischief the genie of open systems it let out of the bottle with the original open IBM Personal Computer , could wreak .
19 The memory was sour-sweet , bubbling up out of the dream-past with this chance remark , as fresh and real as if it were happening now .
20 But former boxing world champion Barry McGuigan was knocked out of the event with a blown engine on his Vauxhall Nova .
21 Sure enough , a couple of rock doves fly out of the crack with a clatter of wings , and we can see a scarcely fledged youngster perched on a ledge in the gloom of the sea-cave .
22 With most binoculars it is in the same field with Gamma Sagittæ , but is just out of the field with × 20 .
23 ‘ Yes , ’ I answered , and was helped out of the coach with my luggage .
24 Dolores came out of the cottage with mugs of coffee for them .
25 There was n't even a mantle , it as a wall bracket that came out of the wall with a little tiny gas jet that fanned out sot of thing and that was your illumination for the the bedroom .
26 The narrow inner door had been invisible in the uniformity of the panelling , and its latch had made no sound as it was lifted ; but suddenly there was a man framed in the doorway , a lean , wiry , lightly-built creature , stepping out of the wall with a conjuror 's aplomb and a deer-hound 's lanky grace .
27 Meanwhile , Unix System Laboratories Inc is claiming that it will be first out of the gate with a commercial version of WizDom by mid-1993 .
28 The Motorola 88110 RISC is not actually out yet , but the company 's Computer Group has had enough of third parties announcing new machines using its parent 's chips long before it gets a crack at them , and the company is first out of the gate with a single-board computer using the forthcoming 50MHz 88110 .
29 This game is similar to games you would buy for 2–6 year olds that had Zoo animals cut out of the board with little pins on them , The child would try to fit the animal back into the right shape .
30 His son came out of the building with several of his friends .
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