Example sentences of "out [verb] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Am I glad we came out to work for the entire season , Rosie !
2 And all that let me tell you after Pisa looked so dangerous in the first eight minutes , clearly they 'd come out looking for the early goal themselves , and who was badly fouled by in the early stages and needed attention , he 's the number eight , and the number eleven , who looks as quick as any player I 've seen in ages and ages , they are the two danger men and they will need some marking .
3 In this case , the researcher decides how many of each category of person should be included in the sample , but then , instead of selecting them at random from a sampling frame , the researcher goes out looking for the right number of people in each category until the quota is filled .
4 Most of the enemies of these insects are small birds out searching for a tasty meal .
5 Those setting out to look for a new home after April 4 will have the questionable benefit of the Property Misdescriptions Act 1991 , which comes into force on that day .
6 I hope Wilko cuts his losses with our Brian and then goes out to look for a decent striker .
7 Searchers were called out to look for the overdue hikers , and spotting their torches in the distance Alistair used his camera flash to attract their attention .
8 She was out cruising for a bruising from morning till night , and when she was apprehended soliciting for trade up the high street and gated for the evening , she spent it flat up against the back room window , flashing her underparts at any passing Harry , Dick or certainly Tom , and making the most loud and ear-curdling noises by way of enticement .
9 Remember that even if the precinct appears brightly lit to the eye , your camcorder will probably be working flat out to expose for the wide shots .
10 Apart from that there is no strong reason for one method rather than another although as the first year has lower production than later years it would be difficult in terms of wearing out to argue for the reducing balance method .
11 Most significantly , over two-thirds of those who turned out voted for the early election of a new parliament ( not now due until 1995 ) .
12 But no , The Day Leeds Won The Title they were n't there , apart from one fat bloke called Jimmy who 'd gone out hoping for a quiet drink …
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