Example sentences of "up through the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Er , this refers back to something said , a little while ago , talking about the fitness of judges , having come up through the legal system .
2 Beautiful white , pastel pink and blue houses nestle in the cliffs and we took the funicular railway down the cliff side to the pretty harbour at Skala for a closer view and a donkey ride back up through the twisting mountain road .
3 And so Mister Johnny took them up through the dark yew trees , carrying the goose and holding Nick 's hand .
4 At the Pont d'Espagne the road ends , but you can then take a reasonably comfortable path , for about three-quarters of an hour , up through the tumbled rock and ailing pine trees — they seem to be fighting a losing battle against the colonies of grey lichen — to the Lac de Gaube , at an altitude of a trifle under 6000 feet .
5 The Cockroft Report ( 1984 ) gave a most encouraging survey of good practice and advocated an approach which can be summed up through the mnemonic SPIDER : .
6 I thought about it as I walked up through the weedy garden .
7 Compadrazgo relations are set up through the ritual sponsorship of the church system of appointing godparents for children .
8 ( Like many British design engineers at the time — and unlike Continental or American ones — he had no university training and had come up through the usual apprenticeship route with evening and part-time study . )
9 She rode down the steep path , then up through the collapsed gate and into the area of the pinnacle of land on which the fortress had been constructed .
10 Because of a logjam in Government legislation , the bill will be set up through the private member 's procedure by the Conservative MP for Ayr , Phil Gallie .
11 A large iron drive-wheel projects high up through the front wall , providing a source of power for ancillary equipment .
12 Soon he had a strong fire going and the blue smoke pillared up through the young oak leaves .
13 It was just at this moment that the fisherman was trying to escape from the sea-king 's palace , struggling , with the golden cradle in his arms , to swim up through the great weight of sea that lay like a dome above .
14 They drove through the brightly lit city streets of Tsimshatsui , and it was like hurtling back to earth through the atmosphere ; Rachel felt she was being shaken till her teeth rattled as the car sped up through the cross-harbour tunnel into Causeway Bay , past the bobbing sampans and the escort clubs , speeding towards Central District along the harbour road , traffic everywhere , horns blasting in her ears …
15 The returning echoes are believed to be picked up through the fatty interior of the lower jaw .
16 It has been suggested that a hot layer at the core-mantle boundary , generated by convection in the mobile outer core , produces a circulating system extending up through the entire mantle ( Fig. 2.17(C) ) .
17 It had been glorious just to sit there at the huge dining table , with the sounds of the sea wafting up through the open window , feeling her exhaustion slip away from her , while the energetic Mrs Birkin set before the three of them course after delicious course .
18 Later in the evening the sound of loud laughter wafted up through the open window , and even snatches of a song .
19 The light from a standard lamp caught the hair bubbling up through the open neck of his shirt and on the backs of his arms .
20 ‘ The larva of hookworm enters through your skin , usually the sole of your foot , and travels up through the lymphatic system , then going through into your lungs .
21 A hastily assembled group of the famous 75s had been pushed forward on to Froideterre , and its lethal barrage had given one of the fresh divisions of XX Corps just enough time to move up through the ebbing debris of de Bonneval 's 37th African Division and establish a firm line from Bras to Haudromont .
22 He looked up through the clear patch of windscreen at the clouds moving slowly and peacefully across the upper reaches of the sky .
23 Since those barriers could be temporarily removed by geological agents ( e.g. a lowering of the sea level during the ice age ) , or could occasionally be overcome by accidental means ( e.g. birds blown across the ocean by storms ) , it would be possible to reconstruct the process by which the unique mix of species occupying any given territory had been built up through the periodic influx of newcomers .
24 Weeds and other flowers had forced their way up through the cracked paving of the floors .
25 Clods of earth were tearing their way up through the humped grass .
26 What neither German radio nor the public knew was that the Duke of Buccleuch was placed under house arrest on his estates in Scotland , several aristocrats were personally warned by Churchill that if they talked of peace they would be jailed , and Lord Londonderry was questioned inconclusively about a meeting that was alleged to have taken place on his Mountstewart estate in Northern Ireland with four German agents who had travelled up through the Free State .
27 Since we had complete snow cover , A Mad Tall Litho Lad was buried deep beneath a white mantle , and cutting steps up through the soft snow was becoming increasingly difficult .
28 I lay there , looking up through the jungly grass to the sky .
29 Mr Yeltsin is a successful career communist who fought his way up through the construction-industry bureaucracy to become first secretary of Sverdlovsk , his home town and one of the largest cities in the Soviet Union .
30 Their chanting rose up through the vaulted roof of the Cistercian chapel .
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