Example sentences of "up on [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of the soldiers had come up on to the cabin top .
2 The grassy hillside steering you up on to the ridge starts off as a benign little stroll , until you realise it is going to continue forever .
3 Seeing the Man approach Creggan pulled away and with one final lunge of his beak at the flesh hopped back and up on to the branch across his cage .
4 But such was the power of those two softly spoken words that Ronni found her head jerking up to look at the speaker , barely aware of her brother 's muttered response as he hoisted her cases up on to the jetty .
5 I can accept that the body might have been carried high up on to the shoal by an exceptionally heavy wash from a boat .
6 This time I at least got past the lochan and up on to the boulder field that leads to the window .
7 Grandson Richard had quite long hair , which also helped when it was time to climb up on to the shoulder .
8 He leapt up on to the ledge of rock which ran around the whole island under the overhang like some inside-out cloister , and tied us up .
9 Being the dead of night , the man was uncertain of how to leave the railway and at Rothley he walked up on to the platform .
10 He climbed up on to the platform .
11 They went up on to the platform , and took a quick look into the Porter 's room .
12 They went up on to the cliff road , then turned inland , driving between wooded banks .
13 The wearing of Highland dress , the speaking of Erse , the weather — ; his observations begin with the commonplace and are taken by his mind up on to the plateau of thought .
14 But a thump at the door made her scramble back up on to the bed for safety .
15 Ellwood shrugged and swung up on to the bed , his shoulders against the headboard , his boots on the counterpane .
16 We were in the sports hall and she flew right up on to the top of the climbing frame at the far end from where I was giving my little lecture .
17 And er they were still whistling and calling , so I went up on to the top of the bank and they it was this plantation that fell down in the warren and caught fire .
18 That sweeps up on to the deck ,
19 I threw our bags up on to the deck of the first barge , about ten feet above me .
20 ‘ Hold her steady , ’ Nathan warned , and vaulted up on to the deck .
21 But it was another slender figure , a woman , shimmying up on to the port wing , from there on to the scorching hull , running along the curve in great , light strides and flinging her arm out in front of her , pointing with her index and little fingers at the mob pulling down the man .
22 Swirling in an army Chinook helicopter through wind and fog and over a sea of smouldering lava yesterday , it was easy to see why earlier plans to bomb or mine it off course and up on to the surface have been shelved .
23 I followed the Maxteds up on to the veranda and through some french doors into a large room .
24 C'zinsit bounced out of the saddle , touched the ground with his feet , then vaulted up on to the mare 's back again .
25 When the child shrank back against the edge of the bed and made no attempt to climb up on to the mattress , Aggie put a hand to her head before muttering , ‘ I 'm sorry .
26 His body flexed as he hauled the heavy bike up on to the centre stand , and her heart jerked and accelerated to a steady two hundred beats a minute .
27 Yet , for all the massive support on either side of him , all the elder Falkenhayn could achieve was to push the line up on to the north crest of the Mort Homme .
28 He had his own little boat and do you know where farmers make farrows on the land , the only mark that was left behind by Angus was the mark where he pulled his boat up on to the shore every day that the weather was not too rough .
29 Many birds die and individuals are washed up on to the shore .
30 On that first occasion my father took me through Craven Hill Gardens into Porchester Terrace , showed me the blank brick back of the facades and lifted me up on to the wall so that I could look down into the shaft .
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