Example sentences of "up into a [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually I threw up into a litter bin attached to a crowded bus shelter on St George 's Road .
2 And did he have their little scarves sewn up into a patchwork quilt ?
3 Parts of its head wrinkled up into a half frown .
4 It pays to use a sterilised rooting compost , or a medium such as horticultural vermiculite , rather than garden soil , but these may contain minimal nutrients , so pot up into a potting compost as soon as they are well rooted .
5 Through it all , remarks one of its editors , Alexander Whyte , ‘ like volcanic rock , thrusting itself up into a harvest field , so does Andrewes ' acute and abiding remorse for sin pierce up through his finest and fullest psalms of Thanksgiving ’ .
6 And , to give the table setting a special festive feel , Kate has attached wide red satin ribbons from the corners , taken them up into a pyramid shape and tied them to the lamp above .
7 I struggled up into a sitting position , my back resting against a chair .
8 The second time he came round , he suddenly pulled himself up into a sitting position .
9 Sycorax no longer leaked whatever liquids or foods she was able to consume , as she had during the worst of her fever , and Ariel could prop her up into a sitting position , and then , presenting her shoulders to her , go down on one knee to hoist her piggy-back and carry her to the privy in the forest a few minutes ' walk away .
10 She pushed herself up into a sitting position .
11 Not trusting her voice , she shook her head , and , pulling herself up into a sitting position , watched him walk away .
12 Each aliquot was made up into a stock solution by dissolving in sterile water .
13 Hindenburg , who had taken part in the victorious campaigns of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1 , was now built up into a father figure : the old general who had again thrown back the invaders of the Fatherland .
14 Would she grow up into a street urchin , plimsolls , no socks , grimy tee shirt , with a London accent grating on a nicely-brought-up ear ?
15 Mm I think if you try and do it here , so you make it into a shoe shape , you curl it all up into a shoe shape , where do you think it 's going to go ?
16 The first door to port opened up into a food store , the corresponding door to starboard was locked .
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