Example sentences of "up [prep] [art] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well I er come in , picked all stuff up off the floor lit the fire and I think that were it .
2 But the new West Indies proved encouragingly resilient , repeatedly getting up off the canvas to deliver the final knockout punch .
3 Harry had come into the lower doorway at the right time , and was moving up between the tables to take his normal place among the young fellows of knightly family , his peers .
4 She performed a complicated manoeuvre , which Julia could not follow at all , and brought her two hands up between the strings held by her son .
5 Too often she had seen her mother frowning with anxiety as she divided the contents of her father 's wage packet up between the jars labelled ‘ Rent ’ and ‘ Electric ’ and ‘ Coal Money ’ , too often at the end of the week she had watched her count out the pennies for a pound of sausages only to be able to buy just a half-pound , two for her father , one each for Paula and Sally , and only the scrapings of the pan to go with her own potatoes .
6 Admitted to the livery in 1822 , he moved up through the ranks to become master in 1828–30 , thereafter sitting in the court of assistants .
7 Each day at low tide these extraordinary microscopic plants glide up through the sand to soak up the sun 's energy for photosynthesis .
8 The car hummed nearer as the view to one side slowly opened up through the dunes to reveal the shining beach and blue-green ocean .
9 Joining Welch and Taylor was Lt Sanders who led a flight of four P–40s up through the clouds to attack six Japanese bombers , Sanders hit one aircraft while another of his men , Lt Sterling , closed on a two-seater , Sterling 's engine was hit and caught fire , but he carried on in pursuit , another Japanese closed in on his tail and the three flew on firing at each other , then Sanders joined in to attack the second Japanese , only Sanders survived this ordeal .
10 Instead , we left the truck conventionally positioned , and headed up through the forest leading to the slopes of the first top , Stob Coire na Ceannain .
11 She saw the little procession of horsemen climbing the ramp towards Parfois , and crept up through the trees to see more closely , for it seemed to her that the middle figure of the five was bound , and one of those who rode beside him led his horse by the bridle .
12 She poked again — dug right down to the bottom and up through the shambles came something that signalled with painful clarity .
13 From time to time , taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other 's work and publications .
14 SUSAN DEVOY , seven times champion and top seed , and Sue Wright , the English girl who ended the New Zealander 's run last year , are lined up for a revenge meeting in the quarter-finals of the Hi-Tec British Open Championships .
15 Set the temperature to a degree or two higher than that of the maintenance tank and place the female in this set up for a time to associate herself with the layout and hiding places .
16 He turned up for a remand hearing at Redbridge court covered in baby oil to make it difficult for warders to grab hold of him .
17 Blanche looked up for a moment to chew the implications of what she had just read when another alien sound impinged .
18 ‘ Puckering up for a kiss exercises 12 muscles , so do the same there .
19 In the seconnd half Swindon stepped up the pressure and then a controversial penalty with Mitchell chasing there 's a mix-up in the box and in the melee , the referee blows up for a penalty saying Southend number 3 had held back Mitchell .
20 Paul Goodman , the American anarchist writer ; Stokeley Carmichael , the 26-year-old Trinidadian-born New Yorker whose black nationalism had just triumphed within SNCC ; Laing and Cooper ; Ginsberg-whose contribution took the form of a mantra , American radical journalists John Gerassi on the Third World ; Trotskyist theoretician Ernest Mandel ; William Burroughs ; Angela Davis , the Californian activist and academic ; the Marxist historian and biographer of Trotsky , Isaac Deutscher ; the San Francisco digger , Emmett Grogan , who popped up for a fringe meeting ‘ still loaded with the sleepiness of heroin' ; and Herbert Marcuse .
21 Some people work up for a lifetime to cross the Channel and then get published in a magazine .
22 When you sign up for a savings scheme check the clauses for giving notice .
23 They read somewhat strangely , as if I had imagined the whole thing , or cooked it up for an April Fool joke .
24 More than 50 business men and women showed their incredible resolve when they turned up for an emergency meeting in Craigavon yesterday .
25 The paper quoted his wife as saying : " We hope our work within the ANC will … make up for the hurt caused to so many people by Dr Verwoerd . "
26 I would have had another one on the third day as well , but I gave it up for the opportunity to go rabbiting with the lad who worked for Brian .
27 There were more than a few ‘ One Sergeant Wilko ’ and similar chants during the evening , perhaps making up for the heat-of-the-moment bollocking he got at Anfield for taking off a very industrious Rod Wallace .
28 Tonight we visit a village which is so proud of it 's gardens , it 's opening them up for the public to enjoy .
29 There has been increasing anguish among law-abiding poll tax payers who are being surcharged £19 to make up for the shortfall caused by uncollected tax .
30 Current members of the Club go up for the weekend to climb ( this year it was too cold — even the lakes were frozen ) and after dinner retire to doss on whatever floor may be found .
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