Example sentences of "up [conj] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 This indicates how the proponents of ‘ law and order ’ have picked up and run with the ball that was set rolling by the Justice Model , with very different effects from those that the Justice Model 's original advocates desired or expected .
2 Thus when the chimpanzee , supplied in the laboratory with two boxes and a stick to reach a suspended bunch of bananas , stops leaping up and trying the reach them with its hands and instead puts one box on top of the other , climbs up and dislodges the bananas with the stick , it is using to the full its basic ability to suppress the automatic response — leaping up — in favour of the intelligent one — climbing up and reaching with the stick .
3 For example , it is often women in poor health , living in poor and crowded conditions , on a low income and without private transport , who are trying to bring up and cope with the demands of small children on their own .
4 Strachan took one touch , lined the ball up and struck with the trusty right foot .
5 I just worked it out , do you know that was handled five times , those beet , because Pam used to go up and loosen with the plough , and then we come behind and pull it .
6 this company moves at such a rapid rate of knots that I have a meeting tomorrow morning with the Managing Director Building and Property Development at his house in Pitlochrie which is the only time he 's literally coming back to change his shirt before he goes wandering round the world again so the only way I can get him is to go up and stay with the in-laws over night and see him at breakfast time tomorrow .
7 I was up and running with the package within ten minutes , applying the automatic mode of analysis — and making sense out of it — without reference to the manual .
8 From nowhere a Mamba appears and I 'm up and running with the bleeding pigeon up my jumper playing the bongos on my chest .
9 This highlights how easy EaziLink actually is to get up and running with the minimum of fuss .
10 This highlights how easy EaziLink actually is to get up and running with the minimum of fuss .
11 Er and this this case the there was a fire in a flat , the chap had gone out to work , we did n't know he 'd gone out to work , so we broke First of all we informed the fire brigade was on the way , we broke down the door , quick look in the flat , best possible way we could look , and the fire brigade turned up and dealt with the flat .
12 For the whole day and all the previous evening , he had the hood up and tinkered with the engine .
13 See about getting some people to come up and help with the harvest next week .
14 They met up and talked with the carpenters ' committee , who would have lent £3,000 out of their fund of £20,000 had they not been astonished to learn that the knitters had themselves no permanent fund " to answer any demand at any time " .
15 But I knew that it was no massive dental operation in progress but that the sluice itself was blocked by leaves , that the water going into the pipe which fed the turbine was at a minimum and that if I did n't get up and deal with the problem the turbine would shut down and the melin would be pretty cold in the morning .
16 Suddenly it was taking every atom of her will-power to stop that hand from doing what it longed to do — namely rise up and tangle with the silky black hair that curled so invitingly round Guido 's left ear .
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