Example sentences of "up [pron] [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 for I was always keeping up my sleeve for sort of things we might do as opposed to R and M U have done
2 SEVEN years ago tomorrow , Carly Reich , a Siamese twin separated in a pioneering operation , gave up her fight for life .
3 She held up her hand for silence .
4 The girl shouted abuse after him , then picked up her baby for comfort , and settled down to watch telly with the remains of a bag of cheese and onion crisps .
5 She held up her hands for silence then pointed at Garry , the most honest of the three .
6 She has not written up her data for publication .
7 At the time it seemed as if the government had crushed the nationalist movement by locking up its leaders for life .
8 Mr Waddington is understood to have accepted the board 's proposals and is about to announce a package to speed up its work for implementation early next year .
9 One other piece of football news — Swindon Town hope to step up their fight for survival tomorrow by signing Roy Wegerle from Coventry City — the fee five hundred thousand pounds .
10 Elaine and Michael Artus , their savings wiped out , will keep up their fight for compensation .
11 Now they 're stepping up their call for action .
12 MORE than 1,000 Maxwell pensioners and print workers yesterday staged a rally and lobby of Parliament to step up their campaign for Government action to give them long-term security for their pensions .
13 The couple agreed to continue going out socially together , and the therapist agreed to write to the local housing department to back up their application for council accommodation .
14 Now they are poised to step up their bid for promotion to the Premier Division in the New Year along with group winners Cheshire .
15 And it is often those who suffer abuse who are capable of horrendous acts of violence , storing up their hatred for release in an act of revenge against the world .
16 His bride was called Anne Nickerson , the daughter of an Essex landowner whose reluctant consent to an army marriage had turned to whole-hearted approval when Peter d'Alembord had put up his captaincy for sale .
17 A letter from Mary Evans , possibly written at George Coleridge 's suggestion , begged him to give up his plans for emigration , and addressed him with painful tenderness as ‘ her best-beloved Brother ’ .
18 There is every possibility that he has mixed up his candidates for unity and division .
19 Paul Lexington held up his hands for silence .
20 No sooner had he freed the platform of the Collector 's superfluous presence than the Doctor sprang into his place and held up his hand for silence .
21 Springfield held up his hand for silence and the low murmur of talk died away completely .
22 The grandstands erupted with applause but Stevie held up his hand for silence .
23 My father would never have let me start digging up our graveyard for family pets otherwise , so off they had to go , departing this life in the rather undignified garb of half a badminton shuttlecock .
24 so we started to look for something and I wanted a bungalow , I did n't want to house again , just the two bedrooms I thought would be nice , so what we did we found this bu er this bungalow in er out of Crewe in Haslington and er we put up our house for sale , it cost seventeen thousand , five hundred and this bungalow we bought seventeen thousand , six hundred and fifty , so all I had to add was one hundred and sixty pounds , to sell the house , but the house needed change all the windows to put all the windows and the doors because they were all rotting in , you know , because the houses built er before the second world war and er what we did we put up the and in three months ' time , it in three months ' time my house went and we were moved , in September we started to sell , in January we 'd been living in the , in the new bungalow and then about three years later they built a row of bungalows on the other side where there should , should of been , they kept the land , it should of been shops , but then they changed their minds , they did , they did n't build the shops , but they built all these bungalows again on the other side , you 've been to my home , yeah , so the road that , over the road these bungalows were about three years later than ours and they were going down for thirty two thousand pound , and I bought mine for seventeen thousand seven sixty at six fifty , yeah
25 John Lennon filmed us for his movie , Up your legs for Peace .
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