Example sentences of "up [prep] [art] [noun pl] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the south 's top-staying chasers will be in action at Tweseldown , lining up for the areas ' longest race — the Field Seymour Parks four-mile mixed open .
2 From where I 'm sitting ( in a Paris café as it happens , pal , limbering up for the days 500cl — I mean 500 word slog ) , a rest in that sense would take the form of a couple of shifts in a Bolivian tin mine — and Club Med do n't fly there .
3 The young Fusiliers had been patriotically offered up for the politicians ' errors ; they had even been bullied by the militant women brandishing their white feathers , and they went cheering , singing , promising to come home victoriously to the grime and love of their Lancashire womb .
4 Even after they moved , and that 's ten years ago now , she would make a point of coming up for the children 's party , at Christmas . ’
5 Everyone , it seemed , was anxious to contribute , and ‘ Oh , the rubbish that turns up for the Dolls ' House . ’
6 Chris Lewis and Paul Jarvis were the pick of England 's attack , making up for the spinners ' lack of success with gutsy new-ball spells either side of tea .
7 Chris Lewis and Paul Jarvis were the pick of England 's attack , making up for the spinners ' lack of success with gutsy new-ball spells either side of tea .
8 Kate was down in the pit lane for the Friday qualifying session , her nerves nearly as wound up as the drivers ' , knowing that Ace was waiting to live up to his name with the fastest lap .
9 So the Civil Contingencies Unit , the Cabinet committee set up after the miners ' strike of ‘ 72 , which I 've no doubt you were intimately involved in , in –74 actually delivered the goods .
10 The 90 recommendations of the inquiry included the phasing out of seclusion , better staff training and the setting up of a patients ' advocacy service .
11 The removal of the cupboard and the sealing up of the women 's rest-room had seriously complicated his life .
12 Donita attributed it directly to the feminist line : ‘ Because this is the first generation that 's grown up with the women 's revolution .
13 He and Vivienne were also probably fed up with the teds ' meathead mentality .
14 The Consumers ' Assocation said : ‘ People are fed up with the banks ' incompetence , compounded by arrogance . ’
15 The Government watchdog Securities and Investment Board ( known as SIB ) has teamed up with the Consumers ' Association to run a stand at the Home Buying And Finance show at the Ideal Home Exhibition , Earls Court , from 4 to 7 April .
16 At about the same time that I went up into the Boys ' School , my friend Hubert Gould moved away to Bournemouth and my other friend Alf Norris moved from The Friary to Greencroft Street and , as this was only two hundred yards from our house , we saw quite a lot of each other .
17 Reflector boards shone light up into the subjects ' faces to refine the modelling ( reflections give a certain hooded look to the eyes in the portrait here ) .
18 And erm we were l we were stuck in the villa , right up in the mountains er , could do nothing but play cards all day and scrabble and erm all these stupid board games .
19 He finished up in the chimpanzees ' cage , hanging from the bars , while trying to retrieve his beret , stolen by one of the animals .
20 But an enormous backlog of untaxed cases of wine is building up in the producers ' warehouses .
21 I got the crow 's cage again and afterwards was sent inside to do the washing up in the Corporals ' eating area .
22 We found one part of the delivery bed in the labour ward but the other part turned up in the children 's ward .
23 Suddenly the Yeti turned up in the men 's department where I worked .
24 Sweeping up from the adventurers ' blind side ( either a ridge line above their heads or out of the mist ) comes a ragged flock of Carrion , one of these undead birds for every two adventurers ( but at least three in any event ) .
25 It was supposed to be the parched Wild West , with dust spraying up from the horses ' hooves and the wheels .
26 The trend was illustrated by the new cemeteries , which were springing up on the cities ' fringes .
27 Rumour has it that ‘ Cope ’ , brilliant as it is , might not end up on the Aunts ' album , such is the ‘ glut ’ of material available .
28 We 're one up on the men 's team .
29 A sign which went up on the Raiders ' dressing-room door after the match , advising that only Australian media personnel were welcome , bore witness to the visitors ' touchiness about defeat , though at least they did not follow Manly 's example and grumble about the referee .
30 This could either indicate that online services are failing to be useful , which is doubtful given the significant use that planners make of them , or that the online services have not lived up to the planners ' expectations .
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