Example sentences of "up [noun] against the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The tariff issue was therefore full of danger for Baldwin , not so much because of its content as because it could be exploited by those who wished to build up discontent against the spirit of ‘ Safety first ’ .
2 In short , there is no reason whatsoever under the rules of the Socialist International why the Labour Party should n't put up candidates against the SDLP in Northern Ireland .
3 He promised to step up competition against the company 's Japanese rivals .
4 Aung San 's courage and leadership were shown again in January 1947 , when his political opponents , including the Communists , stirred up agitation against the London Agreement before Aung San had time to get back to Burma and explain the facts .
5 This leads the non-violent professor to take up arms against the thugs to protect his home .
6 These villages were settled by colonists who were given exemption from feudal obligations to the local Croatian nobility in return for their willingness to take up arms against the Turks .
7 He reckoned that the islanders would be so devastated by the deaths of their children that they would be incapable of taking up arms against the invaders and , later , would be easily subjugated .
8 All three had been members of the Khmer Rouge administration in the eastern section of Cambodia who had taken up arms against the Pol Pot regime in 1978 .
9 That will make East Germans feel even more imprisoned and could heat up resentment against the government to explosion point .
10 Ambassador Lipski had begun to complain to Göring that German newspapers like Der Stürmer and Der Gessilige from Pila were stirring up resentment against the Poles throughout the border districts by referring to the forcible separation of Danzig from the Reich , and by referring to the Polish Corridor as land ceded to Poland .
11 Transport groups and environmentalists in Britain have stepped up campaigns against the government 's road-building programme .
12 Peyton may have decided to have Godfrey killed both because of his ‘ betrayal ’ and to stir up hatred against the Catholics , on whom suspicion would inevitably fall .
13 According to Mancini , it was Hastings who stirred up Gloucester against the Woodvilles by sending him letters in which he stressed the pretensions of the queen 's family .
14 According to Mancini , it was Hastings who stirred up Gloucester against the Woodvilles by sending him letters in which he stressed the pretensions of the queen 's family .
15 I watched for the gas station on Harvey 's map and turned off on to an unmade road that kicked up stones against the underside of the Rambler and laid a film of dust across the tinted windscreen .
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