Example sentences of "up [noun] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Charged by Bragg with writing up notes on the case , Morton decided that they could equally well be done that night , at home .
2 Intrum Justitia — latin for ‘ Justice for All ’ — employs 1,600 people to chase up debts on the doorsteps .
3 Norway 's most eloquent campaigner against the Community is Anne Enger Lahnstein , leader of the Centre Party , which , like the anti-EC Socialist Left Party , is picking up support at the expense of Labour , which forms the minority government .
4 The networking company has signed an agreement with Hudson , Massachusetts-based Gradient Technologies Inc , which has already picked up support from the likes of IBM Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co , Sun Microsystems Inc and Unix System Laboratories Inc .
5 They had some support amongst officials at court , but they had not troubled to build up support amongst the magnates or the lesser landowners .
6 Walloping up roads with the milk wagon .
7 For the insider such an exploration of the secular rituals and social constructs which govern police practice will hold what Myerhoff and Moore ( 1977 : 18 ) have described as ‘ the possibility that we will encounter ourselves making up conceptions of the world , society , our very selves .
8 The two boys then spent the rest of the day helping beaters send up birds for the guns .
9 The reader interprets this as " the echo died away " , but is aware that the sound has conjured up birds for the people .
10 You can pick up birds from a mile away .
11 This was used as the basis for invitations , issued at the end of 1857 , to the nobility of every province to form committees which would draw up projects for the emancipation of their peasants .
12 A businessman and a man who puts up ramps for a living ?
13 SparcWare is driven by the need to lower the support costs that eat up 50% of every software engineering dollar and expand the market for independent software vendors .
14 Well , I wrote out births , deaths , marriage certificates , and er then measured up houses on the rating side , erm worked them out for evaluations .
15 The main aims of the workshop are to stimulate the production of media education textbooks and resources for the African context , to equip more people , especially women , as trainers , and to draw up plans for a media education programme in southern and eastern Africa , starting in 1992 .
16 LOCAL AUTHORITIES drawing up plans for the community care reforms will have to consult with the private and voluntary sector , the new Department of Health guidelines say .
17 As we have noted , Circular 11/77 asked Regional Advisory Councils to draw up plans for the training of full-time further education teachers and to report progress to the DES by September 1978 .
18 Gertrude Jekyll had not been available to design the garden at The Tamarisks when Lutyens had been drawing up plans for the house , but she was shown these plans and her advice was sought .
19 As well as his authorship of many books he drew up plans for the House of Correction at Maidstone , was elected to the Rochester Bridge Corporation , a deputy Alienations officer , deputy Keeper of the Rolls , President of Cobham College and , a few months before his death , Keeper of the records in the Tower of London .
20 State governments will continue to have their own radio stations — that much is guaranteed by the constitution — but in 1981 the FRCN was authorized to draw up plans for the setting up of its own stations in every state .
21 They these when I remember the garage , it was a series of er lock up garages in the front , with a central one opening right through to the back .
22 And a Scottish Partner Centre has also been set up to attract companies that are interested in either expanding or setting up headquarters in the region .
23 General Philippe Morillon has set up headquarters in the town , which has been under Serb siege for 11 months , according to Laurens Jolles , of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees .
24 When hardened , refix fittings and buff up paintwork with a silicone polish .
25 Since the 1950s Japan has worked hard to build up contacts with the region , both economically and politically .
26 Dave Morpfee again impressed as he bagged 3–33 to set up Bangor for a response of 111–5 , Hefin Lewis , Andy Savage and John Parry all scoring 23 as Ruthin 's John James pocketed 4–29 .
27 Finally , the Yugoslav government held up payment to the construction enterprises for several more months , and then paid them in dinars at the current rate of exchange , which was considerably worse than the rate applicable at the time when payment was originally due .
28 But such is his love for the game he has adorned for close on a decade that he never gave up hope of a return to the big time .
29 I had given up hope of a reply when , after two months and three days , a letter came which began , ‘ We find your proposals perfectly feasible … ’ .
30 Having given up hope of a career , they have doubts about the future and support themselves by working in ‘ low pay , low prestige , low benefit jobs in the service industry ’ or ‘ McJobs ’ .
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