Example sentences of "who have been [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Our Society has four doctors who have been accepted for service .
2 But while the exact timing of this pattern of events was unusual , the return of the overall pattern in the early 1980s comes as little surprise to some researchers , who have been warning for several years that a new drought cycle was due .
3 Nurses who have been nursing for some time are likely to have reached the stage where much of what they do has become automatic , that is , carried out without conscious thought or awareness .
4 The Dicks were amongst many others who have been recognised for their contribution .
5 The Red Cross primarily visits those inmates who are former National Guardsmen or who have been sentenced for counter-revolutionary activity .
6 Around 400 people who have been treated for melanoma ( skin cancer ) will be asked to keep a radon-measuring device in their homes for a year as part of a £13,000 Bristol University project .
7 This work demonstrates that there are considerable grounds for optimism regarding the performance of students with non-standard entry qualifications who have been prepared for higher education through special Access Courses .
8 Or was he merely seeking to confuse people in the West who have been calling for military intervention ?
9 Mr Clarke effectively slapped down the Cabinet dissenters — John Redwood , Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo — who have been calling for the already-tight £254 billion spending target to be cut .
10 Mr Clarke effectively slapped down the Cabinet dissenters — John Redwood , Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo — who have been calling for the already-tight £254bn spending target to be cut .
11 Some domestic horses scratch their owner 's backs while being brushed ; others who have been punished for putting their mouths on humans , merely make strange mouth and jaw movements .
12 While there are no completely accurate figures , the two national disability surveys carried out by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys ( OPCS ) in the late 1960s and 1980s indicate that there are alive today just under 100,000 people aged 50 or older who have been disabled for 20 or more years , and that around another 200,000 will reach this age within the next 10 to 20 years ( Harris , 1971 ; Martin et al . ,
13 A group of publishers and journalists from 38 African countries has called on the United Nations to declare censorship a grave violation of human rights and has asked African governments to free journalists who have been jailed for their professional activities .
14 There is some evidence that cervical cancer is more common in women who smoke cigarettes , especially heavy smokers or women who have been smoking for several years .
15 Some students , particularly those from the Indian subcontinent who have been selected for Commonwealth Scholarships , are capable of performing very well at higher degree level , and then returning to an academic career in their own countries .
16 The duke presented certificates to the first 16 volunteers who have been trained for the scheme .
17 The opposition , a diverse and mostly respectable group of people who have been clamouring for a bit of say in the new Kuwait , did not get even a token position .
18 In neighbouring Punjab the Sikh militants who have been fighting for independence are a spent force , partly because , after a decade of violence , Punjabis want peace .
19 Even one would be good enough for there are riders who have been racing for years and have never gone well here . ’
20 Those who have been waiting for the newly published syllabus for Part 2 , which is also to be run at Greenhill starting in the Autumn on Thursdays from 9.30am to 12.30pm , should contact the tutor , Sybil Kenton .
21 The House may be interested to know that , because we were seeking to look at the effect of NHS management reforms over the first six months , we did not draw attention to the fact that the number of people who have been waiting for more than one year on in-patient lists is 37 per cent .
22 Nevertheless , the good news will bring some welcome relief to those homeowners who have been waiting for the best part of 1991 to sell their home .
23 We 're all keeping our fingers crossed here at — to hear if there 's fame and fortune in store for the — a family at who have been shortlisted for the TV game show , Family Fortunes .
24 Much will depend on how it seeks to solve the long-running debate about merging income tax and the national insurance system ; whether benefits , including pensions , are to be universal or selective ; and , if selective , how the state is to deal with obligations to people who have been contributing for many years to what they were told was national insurance .
25 The ‘ Care in the Community ’ initiative sought to extend this cooperation to help people who have been hospitalized for long periods .
26 The annual Livewire competition is open to 16 to 25 year olds who have been trading for less then a year .
27 Amongst the delegates were three British senior tutors , who have been seconded for two years to the EBI financed by the ODA , to assist with the setting up of tuition and training services — Geoff Sales , Phil Brear and Pal Mangla .
28 The in-service kind of erm activity is of course reflected in our , many of our courses , not merely in short courses , but in the fact that we run erm Masters courses , erm M As in Education of several kinds , and students in those courses are mainly teachers who have been released for a whole year to come and do a full-time course .
29 I myself would seemingly represent the environmental lobby , but there have been others , many ex-members of Harwell , who have been campaigning for a long time now , many years , to get these reactors shut down , and it has just been a very long slog , and eventually the truth has had to come to light to shut these reactors down .
30 POLICE in Craigavon are searching for two teenage girls who have been missing for five days .
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