Example sentences of "who have [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although selective assessments may have been endured , practitioners today should anticipate that they will restimulate deep feelings for many who have perceived past treatments as inadequate or unjust .
2 That is the near-unanimous verdict of Soviet emigres and defectors and Western scientists who have participated in exchange programmes with the Soviets .
3 I am conscious how , whenever we come to one of these sad anniversaries in Northern Ireland , those who have participated in Northern Ireland affairs in the past make their contributions to the current debate .
4 This will be a great comfort , no doubt , to those who have to live in England 's damp , ill-lit , unstable and semi-derelict housing .
5 All who have applied for admission to the school are to be taken to have expressed a preference for that school : section 6(4) .
6 ’ Information on the private housing arrangements or plans of those Army personnel who have applied for redundancy is not held by the Ministry of Defence . ’
7 Said Keegan : ‘ I 've got a wealth of experience in the side players who have played in cup finals , international matches and big games .
8 Will the Minister give a commitment that the present adult education programme will be built upon and secured , or are the Government pulling the ladder away from thousands of our fellow citizens who have prospered from adult education in the past ?
9 But on the other hand it is already operated by , for example , those professionals who have co-founded with users voluntary pressure groups , doffing their professional garb by night .
10 And although this is conjecture , I feel it should be mentioned , if only because the primal mother-child relationship so highly emphasised in post-Freudian psychoanalytic literature has been largely ignored by those who have written about anorexia nervosa .
11 Shortly after reading that I was fascinated to come across Hugh Seton-Watson 's account , in a book written 44 years ago , of how in Eastern Europe between the wars the word ‘ Communist ’ had become popular with the poor subjects of largely dictatorial regimes because their rulers used it as a term of abuse against ‘ ordinary men and women who have asked for reforms , protested against bureaucratic abuse , or resisted the gendarmerie in the execution of some wanton brutality . ’
12 Men who have preached for years in the city streets are now under the intimidation of RUC sergeants and police constables ’ .
13 Organised by ex-P&O Chief Engineer , Bernard Hill , it was attended by a group of friends who have kept in touch over the years , and got together in Hermanus , near Cape Town , at the home of Albert Morris who retired as a director of P&O Lines Passenger Services in 1968 .
14 He is one of 3,000 latino workers who have moved into Aspen 's Roaring Fork Valley , replacing anglo ‘ ski bums ’ as caretakers of the rich .
15 The CDHES estimates that there are now more than 500.000 displaced persons who have moved to areas away from the conflict zones and some 1 million ( 20% of the entire population ) living outside the country .
16 The same is true for those Caribbeans who have moved to London , with the additional complication that they will accommodate to a greater or lesser extent to the norms of London English , as shown by J.C .
17 Additionally , there have been those employers who have moved from site to site , merely to enjoy the subsidies that come from siting ‘ new ’ jobs in areas of high unemployment , and have left as soon as the period of the subsidy has come to an end .
18 It is therefore , very difficult to follow up adults who have enquired about courses but not actually applied .
19 Indeed , those who have profited from grocer 's shop economics would answer unreservedly ‘ yes ’ .
20 The list of people who have profited from crime and murder through book or film rights is growing almost daily to the consternation of victim support groups and grieving relatives .
21 Friends in other firms who have invested in technology are a particularly useful source of information .
22 Hankin , who spent 18 months at Peterborough under John Wile before being released in 1985 , saw his young braves survive numerous corners and hold on to a point against a side who have seen off Liverpool and Newcastle at home this season .
23 Roxburgh 's licence to live it up could be a matchwinner for a Scotland side who have lost in Switzerland and scraped a lucky home draw with Portugal in their opening Group One matches .
24 The moves , counter moves , rejections , romances and broken hearts are spun together effortlessly through the music and will strike a chord with any teenagers and ex-teenagers who have fallen in love on a Saturday night .
25 mm , mm , were , were talking about what happens when people who have fallen in love get together and decide to stay together for a bit and its been suggested that marriage can put some strains on er what started off as a very heady mutual experience , if your lucky , let me ask you this , do you think marriage destroys love ? , button one for yes and button two for no , does marriage destroy love ? , as you understand it mm a few are not sure but thirty people have said yes , who said yes
26 For Paul , that offering is made up of the lives of the many Gentiles who have turned to faith in God .
27 But for Balbir , as for the majority of Asian girls who have turned to prostitution , they still think that it is too degrading for them to consider going out on to the streets .
28 Let's not end up like the keyboard players who have to call in programmers .
29 For Frances Minhinnick a normal day 's work means dealing with people ‘ who have broken into schools , nicked cars , committed burglaries , robberies and rape . ’
30 Signs of the Pol Pot regime were evident everywhere , both physically , in the devastation of cities and countryside , and emotionally , in the memories of people who have lived through agony that is beyond human understanding :
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