Example sentences of "who were [vb pp] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In March 1949 , Z2033 was purchased by Svensk Flystjanst AB of Stockholm , Sweden , who were contracted to convert the Firefly and operate it as a target-tug for the Swedish Air Force .
2 Taking office on May 10 , he brought in an older team of officials who were said to represent a shift to the right in economic policy and a less high-profile negotiating style .
3 I have found that erm it seems basically to be a very pessimistic kind of fiction , more pessimistic than people have often given it credit for , largely because they tend to see , for example in Dashiell Hammett , who 's the author I 'm most interested in from this period , erm a precursor of a lot of heroes , private eyes , who were said to have a very kind of steely moral integrity , which they balance against a general corruption in the world outside , and it does seem to me that in fact with Hammett the detective mirrors the corruption of that world as much as he stands against it , so that it does seem to me rather pessimistic .
4 One thing is very clear , the limited eighteenth-century political contest between Court and Country — between the ins and outs to government within Parliament — was transcended by a more fundamental division within society between those who wished to change the political and social order and those who were determined to defend the status quo , the eighteenth-century Constitution , and the established basis of representation .
5 For three years Nicholas conducted a capable but hopeless defence against the King and members of his Council , who were determined to destroy the Company .
6 The combined effect of the purges and the anti-Nonconformist propaganda was to put power in the localities into the hands of people who were determined to protect the Church and State from both popery and fanaticism through a strict adherence to the rule of law .
7 We need to analyse the interaction between electors , whose attitudes have already been influenced by a variety of considerations ( ranging from their own sense of both national and local political issues , down to whatever perception they might have concerning their need to accommodate themselves to their social superiors ) , and the party electioneers , who were determined to influence the electorate in whatever way they thought fit ( which invariably meant a combination of political propaganda and various forms of manipulation , bribery and intimidation ) .
8 They hoped to retain the use of two key air bases in Iraq without — in the process — offering too many hostages to the radical Iraqi nationalists who were determined to break the British connection .
9 The original list of damage compiled by the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation has now been verified by the The Conservation Practice in West Sussex , England , and Gifford Consulting Engineers , who were invited to inspect the damage by UNESCO in preparation for a coordinated relief effort .
10 It is based on responses from interested parties who were invited to give a critical appraisal of the current state of auditing and suggest possible solutions .
11 The terminologies which demonstrated the existence of this stage , again did not come from those people who were believed to practise the associated form of marriage .
12 This effect was greater for subjects reading aloud than for silent reading and larger again for subjects who were led to expect a test on what they had read .
13 Censures were pronounced by the pope , sometimes by his legates , who were despatched to bring the curial arm to the spot .
14 ( A group of students who were asked to read the poem " Lycidas " by John Milton could n't find it because it was " not in the catalogue " .
15 At the same time , Heseltine also created a Financial Institutions Group , consisting of secondees from major companies who were asked to review the role of , and constraints upon , private-sector investment in the cities .
16 ‘ We simply went to work like normal citizens during martial law and now it seems that 's a crime , ’ he went on , gesturing at the 20 heads of party factory cells who were gathered to discuss the future of communism in Poland .
17 Mr. Langley submitted that , under the plain terms of the statute , it was the Bank and the Bank alone who were empowered to make the necessary judgment , with no interposition ( as in some other statutes ) of a judicial officer e.g. a commissioner in relation to certain statutory powers of the revenue .
18 The teachers who were selected to teach the smoking and me project were required to attend a one day training seminar which familiarised them with the project guide and the group leader approach to teaching .
19 JPs were for the most part recruited from the greatest landowners in a county , although commissions of the peace often included a few of the humbler type , possibly men with a legal background who were appointed to do the chores .
20 In 1797 , as part of his duties as a young laird , Kinloch was appointed to command the Coupar–Angus Company of the Volunteers , territorials who were recruited to meet the danger of a possible French invasion , but in Scotland confined their activities to suppressing riots aroused by the Militia Acts and the press gangs .
21 We support the views of the County Planning Officers Society and the Government that the 1981 provisions have not been widely used because of ( a ) the financial implications of compensation for minerals planning authorities ( MPAs ) , ( b ) the staffing and resource implications for MPAs who were expected to implement the provisions , and ( c ) the complexity and cumbersome nature of the provisions themselves .
22 In the pro-celebrity event Sir Bryan and Doctor Stevie would provide some leavening of the showbiz and TV personalities , the top sports stars and the controversial public figures who were expected to draw the crowds .
23 The troopers of the Kha-Khan 's guard who were detailed to line the processional route had been pressed into service to clear away the debris , and their facial expressions reflected their feelings as the dye from the cloth stained their hands and surcoats .
24 Studies were undertaken in 176 male patients who were having investigational colonoscopy and who were found to have a normal colon .
25 Individuals serving abroad who were found to have the HIV virus were sent home for tests and then restricted to bases within the U.S.
26 The two Vehicle Examiners , who were reputed to have no conversation except about cars , squatted side by side , their backs against the steel book racks , and talked cars together with desperate eagerness .
27 The pluralist perspective on British politics was built up by political scientists who were predisposed to provide an account of interest-group politics which presented it in a good , democratic light .
28 A study carried out at the Army Personnel Research Establishment ( APRE ) in Farnborough simulated wartime conditions for ten soldiers , who were required to defend a position during a tactical exercise lasting ten days .
29 Attention turned to other causes of disaster and among these identified the quality of masters and officers who were required to pass no test of competency except , ironically , when they were carrying slaves .
30 Thirty five years later servicemen who were forced to witness the test say they are still suffering physical and mental side-effects.So far the government has consistently denied a positive link between the two .
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