Example sentences of "who for [art] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Cuban Communists , who for the first six months of 1959 had made policy proclamations which were cautiously but unequivocally more radical than Castro 's , subsequently found that they were fast being outstripped by him in the proposal of anti-capitalist measures .
2 Naomi Sargant , who for the first eight years of Channel 4 as the Senior Commissioning Editor for Educational Programming , talked to Women about her experience of the television industry .
3 Anita Culley , who for the last six years has co-owned Walworth Castle with her husband , said the new plans could cost around £750,000 .
4 Mr Wilder , who for the last seventy years has been working on an exhaustive catalogue of English sporting prints 1750–1880 .
5 And as I say ’ ( Morse looked slowly around his audience ) ‘ it was one of your own group who performed this grisly task — a man — a man who would have felt little squeamishness about first stripping the dead man of his clothes — for there had been much blood , much messy , sticky blood which almost inevitably would have transferred itself to the clothes of the man disposing of the body ; a man who for the last ten years of his working life had been inured to such gruesome matters , as a moderately competent ‘ mortician ’ in America . ’
6 Much of the blame must be laid at the door of the disorganised America 's Cup Organising Committee , who for the past 10 months have been on the brink of bankruptcy .
7 But that 's cold comfort to the players who for the past two months or so have been attempting to qualify for the PGA European Tour .
8 By allowing the Bill to pass through the House unamended in respect of premium rate services , they are condoning everything that is being done by those who for the past six years have been offering pornographic ’ services ’ .
9 Roger Boyes , who for the past three years has been the Leeds finance director , will become acting chief executive from next Monday .
10 Power therefore passed to the Radicals , who for the next two years dominated a series of coalition governments of increasingly right-wing complexion .
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