Example sentences of "who was [v-ing] at the " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly Angela , who was gazing at the red mack her mummy was holding out to her , gave a gasp .
2 Opened by another Mr Perkins who was staying at the same hotel , the package was passed to police who were ready and waiting for the actor when he arrived at the hotel in Cardiff .
3 I told him I did not know his friend Bill and the breakfast was for a man who was staying at the inn .
4 Bernard , who was staying at the curia at the time , submitted his work to Innocent for approval , but permission was refused by the pope , who again denied having issued some of the decretals .
5 She was also active at Percy Alden 's Mansfield House settlement in Canning Town , where she met Frederick Lawrence ( later Baron Pethick-Lawrence , q.v. ) , prospective Liberal Unionist MP , who was living at the settlement .
6 He had a brother ( Vallence ) , a sister ( who married Thomas Patchet ) , and a relative of the same name ( who was living at the George Yard , Lambeth , in 1638 ) .
7 Strangely , Benjamin did not wish to visit his uncle who was wintering at the Bishop of Ely 's inn just north of Holborn .
8 She replaced the receiver and looked round at Graham who was hovering at the door . ’
9 Wullie Robertson , who was bleeding at the nose , was carrying a banner wrapped around a pole , as if it were the regimental standard of the Gordons .
10 In 1946 in Milan , Werner met a young woman who was looking at the same things as he was .
11 She turned to Philpott , who was pointing at the couch behind her .
12 The girl died after she and her 11-year-old sister , their eight-year-old brother and a 16year-old girl who was babysitting at the house , in Emlyn Road , Mayhill , Swansea , were rescued and taken to hospital .
13 Masklin looked at the tall , thin , old nome who was scowling at the three of them .
14 Sam 's boat was one of the last to sail in between the old forts , and Harry , who was standing at the end of the stone quay in order to crow over the birth of his son and demand payment of his winnings , saw with a twinge of jealousy that Gristy 's ketch was well down in the water .
15 Then he realised who was standing at the top of the steps , and ducked behind the table a mere shaving of time before a short black dart sped across the room and thunked into the woodwork .
16 Here he caught sight of Aziz the janitor , who was standing at the back of the hall with his mop and bucket .
17 When they reached their table , Clarissa carefully failed to notice who was sitting at the next one .
18 At the very last minute Nessie handed the pig bucket to Tim , who was sitting at the back with Kevin and the children ready to jump off at the road end .
19 At the end of the reading there was some consternation but Eliot , who was sitting at the back of the room , was heard to mutter , " It 's a good poem , it 's a very good poem " .
20 The fourth , who was sitting at the other , is now standing .
21 Graham screamed at Laidlaw who was staring at the pistol in his hand .
22 Bathsheba knew she must swallow her pride , and called to Laban , who was waiting at the gate .
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