Example sentences of "who was [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I smiled in answer to this , and started talking in French to a small , balding man who turned out to be Swiss and who was on the run from the customs in Geneva .
2 The ruling PSOE retained an effective majority of one , however , because one HB deputy , Angel Alcalde , who was on the run from the police , had not taken up his seat .
3 I ONCE asked Ross Clarke-Jones — a laconic Australian who was on the Tour but also liked to surf big Waimea — which would be his ultimate experience : a big wave or a tube ?
4 Yesterday the heartbroken teenager , who was on the verge of trials with the Royal Ballet , said : ‘ In just one second , my life has been wrecked .
5 Police denied any knowledge of who was on the bike .
6 Yeah , that 's that bloke who was on the bike
7 However , the evidence of the fireman who was on the footplate of the engine that was hauling the express disproved the allegations of the railway company , for he had seen them together on the train after it had arrived at Birmingham New Street Station around 2.30 when the children had waved at him .
8 The BBC refuse comment , except to say : ‘ Prince Charles expressed interest in the show and wanted to know who was on the bill . ’
9 She must not ask who was on the telephone .
10 Who 's that who was on the telephone ?
11 And er after that it was just well every man for himself I never really saw any of the guys except for the o one guy who was on the platform with me at the time .
12 Anyway when I went in the phone was on the hook , and I said who was on the phone ?
13 Braque had submitted some paintings to the Salon d'Automne in 1908 ( a few of the same paintings which he later showed at Kahnweiler 's ) , and Matisse , who was on the jury , is also said to have described these works as being composed of ‘ petits cubes ’ .
14 Betty , who was on the beach at the time , said : ‘ We thought he was a goner .
15 Thirteen patients were referred for this treatment as they were considered unsuitable for conventional cholecystectomy either on account of age ( n=4 , range 79–86 years ) or serious medical problems ( n=9 , range 72–78 years ) including one patient ( X ) who was on the waiting list for a heart transplant .
16 Who was on the form sub committee ?
17 Their spokesman said : ‘ We would like anyone who was on the train , or who may have information , to call us on 051-709 2120 . ’
18 ‘ HARLEY HOT IN PURSUIT OF COOL SWEDE ’ read the headline , and the first sentence ran : ‘ Brian Harley , the golfer who was on the scrapheap a year ago , continued his early season bid for glory yesterday with a brave round of sixty-eight to leave him one shot behind the cold-eyed Swedish ace , Bjorn Carlssen . ’
19 It was recorded by a convict who was on the island at the time that ‘ the Governor had the goodwill and respect of everyone for he always conducted himself as a Christian and a gentlemen . ’
20 And the man who was on the boat with her must be suspect . ’
21 In any case the resolution of the party conference of 1943 gave Hugh Dalton , who was on the side of the ‘ anti-Germans ’ , and was chairman of the party 's International Committee , the opportunity to draft a statement on the ‘ International Post-war Settlement ’ emphasising German responsibility for the war and the need for her to pay reparations to the Allies .
22 who was on the side of the people .
23 My constituent felt strongly that neither the amount on offer from the student loans scheme nor the money available from the postgraduate access fund would be enough to compensate for the loss of housing benefit to her undergraduate daughter or to her elder daughter , who was on the postgraduate music course .
24 Bonhoeffer , increasingly uneasy with all he was observing , eventually talked with his brother-in-law , who was on the staff of Military Intelligence .
25 That , then , was the concatenation of circumstances that lay behind the events of Thursday night : Bill Muggeridge noticing the ring on the kitchen calendar ; Toby winning a victory over the headmaster on Monday night which made him chary of challenging him again on Wednesday ; Mr Crumwallis deciding that , on balance , a public schoolboy who was on the staff would do more for the school 's prestige than a young local , however personable .
26 ‘ I 'm sure you must be , ’ Giles said politely , and , turning to Sophie , who was on the point of moving on , he asked , obviously wanting to detain her , ‘ Have you got a veterinary nurse ? ’
27 who was on the ward last night and sister that was on today and I wan na know why and how he fell out of bed when I got up there they said would you like to come in , I said I most certainly would , she said erm , what would you like to say ?
28 Apart from the Johannsen twins , he will be interested in striker Peter Mueller who was on the bench when Denmark defeated Albania in Tirana earlier this week .
29 That 's when Major , who was on the photo , he was Major in the army of nineteen fourteen eighteen M C Major M C , military cross well he took charge and er a chap off the shop floor , well he was an old contemptible of the nineteen fourteen to eighteen war , name of Bert he was made Sergeant because he was only one who had got any military experience , and he started with us on the shop floor in doing foot drill .
30 He asked Karloff , who was on the payroll for another three days , if he would do it .
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