Example sentences of "who had be [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 She thought again of the clever pastry-cook who baked her man to her liking , and of La Carmellina , who lost her true love when he climbed a cherry tree into the clouds and found himself in the lair of the sorceress Zenaida — Zenaida , who had been robbed of sleep by the curse of another fairy , and had stolen Carmellina 's love away and changed him into a songbird .
2 Hugh Kenner is no doubt right to suppose that it was Pound who had been thinking of it .
3 Christian leaders who had been thinking of it have been backing off .
4 It was a neat description by a commander who had been forewarned of just this certainty .
5 It was immediately clear , as Max had said , that there had earlier been much blood ; soon clear , too , that the body was that of a comparatively young man ; the body of the man whom Morse had interviewed ( with such distaste ) the previous evening ; the man who had been cheated of the Wolvercote Jewel — and the man who now had been cheated of life .
6 In May Justice Minister Kinkel announced that priority was to be given to the rehabilitation and compensation of victims of the SED regime , ahead of pursuing those accused of committing crimes or of assessing compensation claims of those who had been dispossessed of property by the regime .
7 In the carriage he found a comrade , who had been suspected of being a stool-pigeon .
8 It was later revealed that Mr Argles had employed a boy who had been convicted of offences against young children .
9 People who had been convicted of criminal offences , including drunkenness , or people who had habitually failed to work , were not to be supported from state resources .
10 The Swedish government sought the extradition of the applicant to face trial for drug trafficking offences in respect of which P. , an alleged accomplice who had been convicted of similar offences , had made a statement to the Swedish court implicating the applicant .
11 In Reg. v. Miles ( 1890 ) 24 Q.B.D. 423 it was held that a person who had been convicted of an assault by a court of summary jurisdiction , but had been discharged , without any sentence of fine or imprisonment , on giving security to be of good behaviour , could not afterwards be convicted on an indictment for the same assault .
12 The amnesty , which excluded anyone who had been convicted of a criminal offence , including that of " subversion " , was greeted coolly by government opponents .
13 He was reported to have said that the killing was ordered from prison by a Jihad leader Sawfat Abdel Ghani , who had been convicted of involvement in the killing of al-Mahgoub .
14 By March , he 'd won the right to remove incompetent principals — like the one in the Bronx who had been convicted of possessing crack cocaine .
15 Koffigoh was reportedly taken by his captors to meet President Gnassingbe Eyadema ; Eyadema , who had been stripped of his executive powers by the national conference , condemned the attack , although he had repeatedly supported the military 's demands for a change of government .
16 The Libyan Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation Secretary Ibrahim Bashari claimed on April 27 that the air embargo had led to the deaths of " hundreds of children " who would otherwise have received medical treatment abroad or who had been deprived of vaccines which had to be imported .
17 Before 1861 the state had left most rural tasks to the gentry , but nobles who had been deprived of their serfs had no reason to think of themselves as agents of the government .
18 Striker Jim Gardiner , who had been foiled of an opener in the 13th minute deflected for a corner by defender Ken Cairns , got well on target at his second clear attempt .
19 As time was a most critical factor , No 4 Ferry Pool pilots at Prestwick , who had been advised of the conditions to be expected , were informed of the decision to ferry the first aircraft to Abbotsinch .
20 GERMANY 'S double world sprint champion , Katrin Krabbe , and her colleagues , Grit Breuer and Silke Moller , who had been accused of tampering with a urine sample , had a four-year suspension lifted here yesterday , clearing the way for the three athletes to participate in this summer 's Olympic Games in Barcelona .
21 The three athletes , who had been accused of tampering with a urine test in South Africa in January , were restored to competition after the three-man commission , who held a 14-hour hearing stretching over two days in Darmstadt , declared there had been ‘ holes in the chain of evidence ’ during and after testing by South African anti-doping control officials .
22 Of course during the previous factional struggles it had been Trotsky who had been accused of advocating policies which would have led to a split between the working class and peasantry , but now it was Stalin who was in Bukharin 's sights .
23 Certainly those who had been accused of witchcraft or committed suicide could not be buried in the churchyard : second best was usually the crossroads , a memory perhaps of some measure of sanctity which may over time have become attached to leys because of their association with other sacred sites .
24 Bowe , who had been accused of having an optic measure of heart , had to mine deep into previously untapped resources to resist a man who had every physical disadvantage .
25 Other controversial congressional decisions had included the granting of an amnesty to Bucaram 's brother , former presidential candidate Abdalá Bucaram Ortiz [ see p. 36343 ] , who had been accused of corruption when mayor of Guayaquil ; and the dismissal of 16 Supreme Court judges on Oct. 5 .
26 President Mobutu Sese Seko signed a decree on Feb. 10 granting amnesty to Zaïrean exiles who had been accused of threatening state security through speech , writing or in any other manner ; it also covered those who had been removed from official posts or banned by the government from involvement in civic and political life .
27 Those released on March 2 included military officers and civil servants who had been accused of taking advantage of the campaign for the December 1990 municipal elections to organize an attempted coup against the regime of President Moaouia Ould Sidi Mohamed Taya .
28 Factors in the resignation of Cardoso de Mello 's team — which had been responsible for the anti-inflation programmes of March 1990 and February 1991 — were variously said to include the unpopularity in business and banking sectors of their interventionist policies , the combative style adopted in negotiations with international debtors , recent clashes with members of the President 's inner circle , including regional development secretary Egberto Baptista who had been accused of malpractice , and Cardoso de Mello 's affair in 1990 with the then Justice Minister Bernardo Cabral [ see p. 37773 ] .
29 Fazle Haq , who had been accused of complicity in the murder in 1988 of a Shia leader while he was caretaker Chief Minister of the North-West Frontier Province ( NWFP ) [ see p. 37151 ] .
30 After five days of peace talks in Mexico City , the Mexican capital , the government and the leaders of the left-wing Guatemalan Revolutionary National Unity ( URNG ) guerrillas agreed on Aug. 7 to restrictions on thousands of army-sponsored Civil Defence Patrols — vigilante groups composed mainly of Indian peasant farmers , who had been accused of gross human rights violations .
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