Example sentences of "who had been [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The aim of the seminars was to bring together everyone who had been conducting social anthropological fieldwork in Scotland recently .
2 They were the two he had talked to on the previous search , the ones who had been taking such pains with the dovecot .
3 Dr Henry Sacheverell was a High Anglican cleric who had been delivering violent attacks on Dissenters , occasional conformists and Low Churchmen for several years .
4 A STABLE lad who had been drinking all day took a colleague 's car and smashed it through a wall .
5 The ideas carried in the individual features , including an end to mass unemployment , a planned economy , a comprehensive system of social security and health care , a clean sweep of all that was old-fashioned and squalid in housing and the urban legacy of the industrial revolution , and many more , represented a virtual glossary of progressive views current in the Britain of the 1930s and its contributors a fair cross-section of the high-minded and socially concerned individuals who had been advocating these and similar ideas well before the outbreak of war .
6 Ludens , who had been watching this face attentively for some time , could now however read in it signs of care , a wrinkling of the brow , not marked exactly in any lines of flesh but as a cloud poised , the mouth and eyes narrowing as in thought or pain , the hints of a perhaps imminent older face .
7 The results of the Concorde trial came as ‘ a considerable shock ’ , he says , particularly to those who had been expecting some positive outcome , however small .
8 But surgeons at Frenchay Hospital , Bristol , were able to graft his corneas on to the eyes of another youngster who had been going blind .
9 But , as Muz Murray pointed out to Bristol 's Occult Bookshop 's Robert Gilbert who had been attacking other underground papers , it was wrong to be too hard on the others .
10 Christian leaders who had been contemplating such a move have been backing off .
11 Mala , who had been doing some thinking of her own , looked at me uneasily .
12 Flushed with the success of Operation Goldenrod , in late summer , Hurley and his CIA colleagues lent Sami Jafaar and other members of his clan to the DEA office in Bern , Switzerland , for Operation Polar Cap , aimed at closing down an arms/drugs-dealing business run by Arman Jirayer Haser , a CIA asset and long-time associate of the Syrian cartel , who had been making millions out of secret American arms shipments to Iraq .
13 Mrs Allen , who had been suffering emotional problems following the collapse of her marriage , was given the weapon after claiming she feared an attack from paramilitaries .
14 In Act Five , Father Dooley , who had been sipping Irish whisky from a camouflaged army-issue water-bottle , responded dramatically to the exchange between Hook and Wendy .
15 Opposition leaders called for an investigation after Namaliu , who had been trailing 1,600 votes behind rival candidate Oscar Tammur at an early stage of the count , secured victory following an unexplained power blackout while the final ballot boxes were being processed .
16 Then he went erm into the Navy for a short time and for some unknown reason he managed to get out of the Navy and came as Mr 's Personal Assistant and erm one of his jobs was to erm get these pe children sorted out and I used to write no end of letters for him to erm places like erm Ilford and Wanstead and mainly the northern suburbs of London erm about certain children who had been attending central schools which were something , which were something that erm East Suffolk could n't offer and erm trying to decide whether they ought to go to grammar school or one of the area schools as they we then were
17 His Celtic tones were complemented by those of Jim Naughtie himself , who had set up shop in an attic room of the Grand , but who had been spending much of the ‘ happy hour ’ between six and seven trawling for ‘ vox pop ’ .
18 She looked like a girl who had been tripping all night .
19 Also at the conference were two Australian ex-professional sprinters , John Dinan and Chris Perry , who had been running some fast times during the Antipodean summer .
20 Rachel crawled into the confined space beside him , and with a little jolt she saw it was Len Seager , the man who had been having alcohol-related problems .
21 A sixteen-year-old girl ( they 're always sixteen in this story ) who had been having regular sex with her boyfriend , began worrying that he might lose interest in her if he had to keep wearing a condom .
22 The American , who had been lying second after the morning 's compulsory figures , was placed first by all nine judges for both technical merit and presentation .
23 Hector , who had been whining all the while , now crept back on to the bed and pushed his nose under the veined hand resting on the coverlet .
24 Then a stranger , who had been sitting unseen round the corner , came up to them .
25 Together with Toby Freely , the fresh-faced young man who had been sitting next to Tom Tedder , she brought up , modestly , the rear of the exodus .
26 Rory , who had been sitting next to Jessica on a large warm stone , stood reluctantly .
27 Joy Prentice , who had been sitting motionless throughout , reached up and pinched a louse out of her head .
28 This comment is from a daughter who had been giving substantial care to her mother , and explained the situation thus ,
29 This had introduced them to mechanisms which suggested a terminology applicable to their own science making it possible for them at last to give the behaviourists , who had been giving those not of their ilk a hard time , some of their own medicine .
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