Example sentences of "who had [vb pp] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was so vulnerable to him that part of her was already accepting that defeat was inevitable , that only Luke could be the one to end their affair , but at the same time pride was demanding resistance , refusing to submit to the humiliation of a physical surrender to the man who had called her a liar , accused her of infidelity — the man who had hurt her so badly .
2 Beatrice who had made him a man .
3 When Margie had mentioned his association with Greg Martin , the financier who had made him the loan which had set him up in a small showroom and enabled him to move the sewing machines out of the living room and into a work room , Hugo became not so much evasive as totally silent .
4 The Intelligence Corps instructor who had taught him the trade would have had such a lock open with one twist but Maxim was out of practice and the lock was old and arthritic .
5 With an effort she turned to Jos , who had followed them a short way .
6 Neither Fedorov nor the man who had evaded them the other night had put in an appearance , and the chance of their doing so now seemed remote .
7 In that year 's elections McCarthy went for Senator Tydings of Maryland , who had pronounced him a fraud , with typical unscrupulousness .
8 He was obliged to return to earth , however , by signs of excitement at the ramparts , which doubtless heralded another attack … and by the Padre who had asked him a question and was waiting with signs of impatience for his reply .
9 She was n't quite sure why the possibility that it was Luke Hunter who had sent her the flowers was so disturbing …
10 ‘ But with your good friend and benefactor , Monsieur Amaury de Craon , who had sent you a secret message saying he was staying at the palace !
11 I was quite prepared to do this journey alone , but my mother , who had given me every encouragement although well aware of the risks I was running , insisted I should take a companion .
12 Alex , who had given me the cigarettes , was Scottish and had been at Lille for three days ; he had deserted from the Military Police in Germany , and thought that French food was nowhere as good as Glaswegian .
13 With horror I suddenly recognized one of them — it was the man in our village pub who had given me the two pound notes ! and strangely enough , during the journey I heard the prisoners talking about it .
14 The only payment she had received was from Charles Briant who had given her a generous bonus for her extra work on his boots .
15 Fabia went to bed that night having seen nothing of the man who had given her a lift , but with other more important issues rising to the surface .
16 Her uncle was a slaughterman who had given her an animal on its way to the abattoir .
17 She glanced across to Raynor again , and saw him bow his head in brief acknowledgement , and she smiled inwardly , for it was Raynor who had given her the clue , the idea , the knowledge of how to approach his people .
18 It would be typical of Jacqui 's naivety to believe that she was dealing with an honest man who had given her the only copies in existence .
19 Even those who had given her the most rapturous of welcomes soon forgot her , easily distracted by events outside the bus , while games of I-Spy were abandoned almost before they were started .
20 Jenny was the girl she lived with , and the one who had given her the impetus to finally escape the suffocating love of her father and uncle in Hong Kong .
21 They were married in February 1949 and Daphne Rye , who had given them the reception , encouraged Sybil to move into Pelham Crescent .
22 ‘ Are you out of your … ? his father stopped and looked in a startled manner at his mother , who had given him a sharp dig , then began to cough .
23 He was questioned about his earlier activities , and told his interrogators that he had been encouraged in his attack on royal policies by Catherine 's confessor , Father William Peto , and by John Fisher , bishop of Rochester [ qq.v. ] , who had given him a tract he had written about papal primacy .
24 Her face seemed familiar , but it was some time before he realized that she was the curly-haired bit who had given him the slip some months back .
25 The fan who had given him the pen had had L. M. inscribed on it .
26 ‘ Down with the dog Ishaq , ’ yelled the crowd , passing judgment on the president who had sacked him a month earlier .
27 But that was your real nature , and it told me that nothing would make you kill an innocent man , a complete stranger , who had done you no harm .
28 It was Lavinia who had supported him every step of the way , kept him upright at the graveside , yet within a month she , too , was alone , her husband shot down over the Western Front .
29 It was I who had introduced Thessy to McIllvanney and who had secured him the job with Cutwater , but Bonefish had only allowed his son into the wide wicked world because of his trust in me .
30 Especially the ‘ ancient ’ family who had sold her the house and now , pathologically , could not forgive her for buying it , since they had lost caste by moving away — unfortunately for Jane , only a mile away .
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