Example sentences of "who had [vb pp] [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 Now , he had become a peacemaker , and he was encouraging a truce between the Bloods and the Crips , who had shot at one another for years .
2 And there was a picture who had fallen off one of the lorries in Bosnia erm one of the refugee lorries and was running along trying to catch up with her parents .
3 The ship 's engines ceased and the crew began throwing down ropes to a white man in a pith helmet who had emerged from one of the quayside offices .
4 The treaty which they drew up dealt specifically with those leudes who had transferred from one king to the other .
5 Eighty girls who had lived in one of two children 's homes in 1964 , when they had been subjects of a study by Jack Tizard and his colleagues , were traced and interviewed by Quinton and his colleagues , when they were aged between twenty-one and twenty-seven years .
6 It was run by a couple of brothers who had started with one large pub in North London and had built the company , by dint of aggressive take-over tactics and shrewd property dealing , to a sizeable enterprise with a turnover of nearly forty million pounds .
7 Johnson , as he did at Montrose , also employed much silence , and many who had come to one social occasion or another expecting to hear the grand disquisitioner , found him disappointingly reticent and withdrawn , even if making little antic noises to himself .
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