Example sentences of "who had [adv] [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 When the comm blinked into life , I saw face that I vaguely recognized — a Famlio enforcer named Pulvidon , who had lately been rising rapidly through the ranks .
2 The horse , who had steadily been moving along in a quiet way , gave a strange little leap and she realised she had inadvertently dug her heels into his side .
3 ‘ It could be the killer was somebody who had just been passing by the apartment block . ’
4 At more or less the same time , a heroin injector from Liverpool , who had also been dealing to finance his own habit , moved house to one of Wirral 's more affluent townships and began dealing in heroin on a large scale-in ounces and half-ounces .
5 ‘ I have come to the conclusion , ’ said Betty , who had also been thinking , ‘ that the reason Beuno does n't marry is the same as the reason Elizabeth wo n't have children .
6 Yanto laughed again as did Sheila , who had also been watching the old man 's antics .
7 Suddenly we became aware of a strange gentleman who had also been listening , and was now looking coldly at us .
8 Standing there in shade , I observed the man and woman who had also been eating in the hotel emerge with their child .
9 Amongst dramatic recoveries were two chronically deaf patients who had also been suffering from totally disabling tinnitus .
10 At about 10.45 he had met William Day , who had also been working late , and they had travelled together to their appropriate homes , the houses being a stone 's throw from each other .
11 Before he left for Lincoln College on 14 October '98 , Helen was peremptorily given a week 's notice by Mrs Andrews who had secretly been reading Edward 's letters and now accused Helen of ‘ illicit connexion ’ with him .
12 Just then my sister , who had secretly been listening outside the forge , called to Joe through one of the windows , ‘ You fool !
13 Miss Bateman , who had nevertheless been listening , said , ‘ I should adore to see — ‘
14 Shinjuro Yamamura , the chairman of the Diet budget committee , was stabbed to death on April 12 by his own daughter , who had reportedly been receiving treatment for a psychiatric condition .
15 Married women who had not been receiving support from their husband when they were first interviewed , and were therefore not expecting support from him during subsequent crises , had a much reduced risk of depression if they received help from someone else whom they had named as very close at the first interview .
16 ‘ Besides — ’ said Anne who had not been listening , but pursuing her own line of thought ‘ — if I were affianced to Prince Edward , the marriage could be completed in a year or so — instead of delayed for Heaven knows how long ! ’
17 The headmistress and the governors of the school named were justly irate , for , they stated with concerted vehemence , no child had witnessed the recovery of the body of a murder victim from the canal : those children who had not been making stegosauruses out of old egg boxes had been learning an Ashanti war dance , and not one had been in the playground , which was the only vantage point from which body recovery would be observable .
18 It turned out that he was a heavy drinker and smoker , who had not been running for about the last 20 years .
19 At this moment , the driver who had already been braking to come into the station , applied his brakes even more sharply and blasted out a warning on his whistle .
20 Rachel , who had already been battling with unpredictable sensations brought on by the close proximity of David clad only in his brief black swimming-trunks , felt her cheeks flame and could n't bring herself to look at him .
21 The station was overflowing with badly wounded who had already been waiting for treatment for several days .
22 Inspector Naseby of all people , who had clearly been looking forward to this moment .
23 She was replaced by Annabel , who had clearly been crying .
24 Seeing the way the debate was going , the health spokesmen of the Labour Party , Michael Meacher , and of the SDP , Mike Thomas , who had previously been urging me to make economies in the drugs bill , jumped overboard and joined the critics .
25 The City Flour Mills later came into the hands of Reynolds and Allen who had previously been working a number of other sites and had , since 1863 , been working Stratford Mills in Stroud .
26 Treatment was continued by the clinical psychologist who had previously been treating W. Whilst at this unit W. displayed violence towards the staff and began injuring herself by picking her skin .
27 Then he saw a wonderfully pretty girl who had obviously been watching him for a long time .
28 She alighted at Groppis , and inside took a seat beside an aristocratic-looking Lt Colonel , who had obviously been awaiting her .
29 After all , there must have been many comfortable nursing homes in Sydney where her father , who had then been having difficulty in telling even night from day , would have received the sort of care and attention which he had needed .
30 One of his crosses was Perdita Macleod , who had now been working full time for Ricky for nine months and felt she knew everything .
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