Example sentences of "who are [v-ing] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We therefore propose to relieve local authorities and school leavers of that burden by exempting , until 31 October 1992 , 18 and 19-year-olds who are undertaking a qualifying course of education on 1 May 1992 .
2 The property is currently under active exploration by Anglesey Mining plc who are sinking a 550 m deep exploration shaft at the western ( Morfa Ddu ) end of the deposit to investigate drill-indicated reserves of 4.8 million tonnes at 1.5 per cent Cu , 3.0 per cent Pb , 6.0 per cent Zn , 57 g/t Ag and 0.4g/t Au .
3 Below is an extract of conversation between two policemen who are telling a third about a cot death the two of them had recently attended .
4 If we genuinely believe everyone to be entitled to education , then we must reject the aristocratic distinction between an education fit only for workers and one fit for philosopher-kings ; but we Must equally reject the new assumption that only those who are receiving a scientific education are being ‘ properly ’ educated ; the rest , those who are studying arts , being relegated to the position of drones or parasites to be , at best , tolerated , and seen as ‘ enriching ’ themselves .
5 They have valuable experience which could usefully be shared with governors of other types of school who are facing a similar challenge .
6 After salvage of any potentially useful parts has been accomplished , it is hoped that the wreck will be donated to the Inverness-based Fresson Trust , who are establishing a new museum at Inverness Airport .
7 One of partners is Stores who are implementing a strategic store-based application which involves having an R S six thousand in every single shop with a SQL Server on every single box .
8 Mrs Frogatt and Mr Boulton have both handed over their complaints to the Charity Commissioners who are conducting a joint investigation of Brit-Pol with the police .
9 Such a phenomenon may be explained in various ways , but one factor of acknowledged importance is certainly the rapidity of economic and social change , which tends to separate more sharply the experience , expectations and outlook of older and younger generations , as Mead ( 1970 ) argued in a study in which she likened the ‘ dissident young ’ to pioneers who are exploring a new time rather than a new country .
10 I conclude from that that the technical information on on all the sectors is at best patchy , erm and where it 's comprehensive it 's come from people who are advocating a particular development proposal .
11 This chapter considers the financial consequences of community care policies for those women on whom such policies increasingly depend — the mothers , daughters , wives , sisters , neighbours and friends who are providing a substantial amount of help and support to a disabled or elderly person .
12 In Honduras , it is again the rich who are providing a friendly environment for the little creatures .
13 I 'm erm I 've been working in low cost housing , housing charities , for a very long time , with Shelter and various other charities like that , and I never cease to be amazed that the Conservative Group , here or nationally , are hostile to subsidies for council housing , because the subsidy which goes to owner-occupiers , through mortgage tax relief , is very much greater than the subsidy that goes to council housing and there 's nothing we as a Council can do about this , but I do hope that in due course we will get a fair system of subsidising houses for everybody , so that wealthy people on high incomes who are getting a big subsidy on their housing through their tax relief , erm are not getting more than people on low incomes living in council houses .
14 At this stage I have to briefly pause and praise the majority of our aquatic goods manufacturers who are getting a staggering amount of praise mail at present .
15 ONE of the province 's most popular marching bands , the Millar Memorial Flute , has reported an increase in membership recently with it now in excess of 35 including many young members who are building a firm base for the future .
16 Those who are considering a professional career would also gain a valuable overview of the various fields open to them when deciding where their future might lie .
17 Back in Africa , Paul Giblett has offered further technical help to environmentalists who are considering a geological survey of the region to establish whether heavy metals are being leached out and concentrated in areas used by the elephants .
18 There is one exception to this rule of not searching the unregistered Land Charges Register in the case of registered land : prospective mortgagors who are buying a registered property have , as yet ( until they complete their purchase ) , no title to the registered land ; and therefore a bankruptcy or a receiving order made against them would not be disclosed by a title search .
19 I wanted to work with people who are running a small firm , people who are dealing with the same problems as me because they 're running a small business . ’
20 The other announcement erm is er Dr has asked me to address some delinquents , no that 's not fair , some er hard working but misguided students erm tt er who are doing a political processes course , a sort of pale imitation of this course , erm probably find none of them are here today , let's , let's , let's , let's , let's b let's not be shy now , is erm is Ian here ?
21 Sitting in the foyer of their Salzburg hotel — between ‘ shoots ’ , obviously — Paul , guitarist brother Niall and drumming hair bear Ashley Keating are gulping down mineral water , babbling on about the ‘ fierce ’ sights of Austria and generally behaving like men who are having a blinking good time , thank record companies very much .
22 The story focusses on Mario and Pedro , two kids who are having a tough time scraping together enough money to live on .
23 The story focusses on Mario and Pedro , two kids who are having a tough time scraping together enough money to live on .
24 The hospital visits Bishop Auckland , Newton Aycliffe , Shildon and Crook , where trained staff deal with scores of mental patients who are making a new life for themselves in the community .
25 The International Association is presently being run by Eva & Co , an Austrian women artists group who are planning a further exhibition in Graz in May 1993 .
26 Couple 2 — A married young couple who are decorating a small flat .
27 Locating a census return for a household in a rural area is a relatively straightforward task , but those historians who are investigating a large Victorian town may at first be overwhelmed by the sheer bulk of the material .
28 Many asylum seekers are middle class , but one need only visit Brick lane to see Bangladeshi people who are suffering a great deal because they are poor .
29 Today the Adjutant is visiting troops Who are mounting a heliborne assault on the village of Pararnali , as a culmination of their week of military training .
30 Classic movie-star style also crops up at Hope And Glory , who are opening a second shop in the new Thomas Neal development in Covent Garden at the end of September .
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