Example sentences of "who did [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In one study , cigar smokers who had taken up cigars after stopping cigarettes and smoked at least five cigars a day had a risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction about four times as high as that among ex-cigarette smokers who did not smoke cigars .
2 His clients were private people who did not want publicity .
3 Admittedly , the background was exceptional ; the true beneficiaries of the waiver were the allies , who did not want Germany 's economic resources to be diminished through claims from States previously allied to the Third Reich .
4 It was decided to provide soft drinks and wine for those who did not want whisky and therefore two types of tickets , at different prices , would be on sale , £5 for whisky drinkers and £2 for the others .
5 However , AJ had been identified by that police officer and another officer ( who did not identify TJ ) ; and the correct identification of AJ was in itself relevant to the accuracy of the same witness 's identification of TJ ( Castle [ 1989 ] Crim.L.R. 567 ) .
6 The 16 patients who did not identify foods as causing symptoms have been followed up for between nine and 46 months .
7 The 39 women who did not start treatment before January 1989 were excluded from the analyses .
8 When Bailey wanted Shrimpton to be the model for a Vogue shoot with a collection of British intellectuals in 1961 , he had to fight to convince the fashion editor , Lady Rendlesham , who did not think Shrimpton was quite right .
9 Lear must have found this side of Gould the most frustrating and hurtful ; he could not understand someone who did not think people were important .
10 Laymen who did not hold land worth forty shillings a year , and clerks who did not have a benefice worth ten pounds a year , were forbidden to keep a greyhound or other dog , on pain of one year 's imprisonment .
11 A newsletter writer of August 1692 complained that it was impossible to distinguish between those who did not come to church because they were attending conventicles and those who did not worship God at all , and he predicted the result would be the downfall of the Church of England followed by the triumph of popery .
12 Any female who did not prefer males with the deleteriously exaggerated trait would indeed produce fitter sons than other females ; however , no one would mate with them .
13 Patients who did not show evidence of relapse after this four week microchallenge had the diagnosis of coeliac disease confirmed by an open challenge with higher doses of gluten .
14 These implications of the fiction/concession theory were neither compatible with the reality of free incorporation on compliance with some simple formalities nor congenial to academics who did not favour state intervention in corporate enterprise .
15 On the other hand , the fact that foreign visitors who did not speak English ( a total of 13 ) were unable to complete questionnaires at all , means that the proportion of overseas visitors in the summer may in fact be greater than Table 2 would suggest .
16 Amongst those who did not do duty in this year 's championship are Phil Davies ( standing down as Llanelli skipper after a highly successful five year run ; reverting to the second row and declaring his intention to challenge for a place in the Lions party in that position — remember the trouble he gave Paul Ackford when Wales last beat England in 1989 ) ; David Bryant ( controversially appointed a youthful pack leader in his first season in international rugby under the John Ryan regime , now recovered from a debilitating period of illness ) ; Andy Allen ( the front jumper was capped out of Newbridge in 1990 , subsequently becoming yet another moving down the valley to Newport ) ; Aled Williams ( one cap as a replacement wing in Namibia in 1990 , when a Bridgend player , but increasingly favoured by many to join Robert Jones in forming a club halfback partnership ) .
17 I would not be so ungallant as to doubt the word of the hon. Member for West Bromwich , East today , but given the pressure that Labour Members placed on that Bill , a serious question mark would hang over any Labour Secretary of State who did not give way to pressure regarding the timetabling of a public inquiry procedure and who did not take some time to allow the result to be published or deliberated on .
18 A neighbour who did not give evidence at the trial of Lisa and Michelle Taylor has said she saw a girl resembling Alison , 21 , arrive home at 6pm on the night she was stabbed .
19 TJ , who did not give evidence , was convicted and appealed , submitting that ( 1 ) the judge was wrong to rule that there was no breach of the Code ; ( 2 ) the judge wrongly told the jury that there had been no breach , thus undermining the defence speech to the jury on this point ; ( 3 ) the evidence was unsafe and unsatisfactory having regard to the evidence given by D ; and the judge should have withdrawn the case from the jury .
20 The accused , if committed , is given copies of the depositions , but is not provided with copies of the statements taken by the police except when the Crown intends to call a witness who did not give evidence at the preliminary inquiry , in which case the Crown will serve the defence with a notice of intention and a copy of the witness 's statement .
21 The plaintiff who did not give evidence in the county court failed to recover the excess payments on the ground that they were made voluntarily .
22 Scotland Yard , who did not give ages , addresses or occupations of the two men , said Taylor was also charged with the attempted murder of Pc Philip Thorne in Walford Road on Tuesday .
23 She was a forceful personality who did not suffer fools gladly , but her sternness was accompanied by grace and Victorian courtesy .
24 Obtaining a representative sample of children to study in early 1940 was well nigh impossible : were those children who remained in billets in February 1940 a tiny minority who had enjoyed the evacuation experience , who liked country life , who had kindly hosts , who did not suffer homesickness , or who were being exceptionally well fed by their hosts ?
25 There were hand-outs on ‘ Cruelty Free ’ cosmetics , positively promoting cosmetic companies who did not drip shampoo into rabbits ' eyes in what I knew was called the Draize Test for irritancy .
26 Those who did not follow soldier-husbands often emigrated with their parents .
27 Mister would impose sanctions on employers who did not follow Labour 's wishes .
28 Twelve patients were given prednisolone during the study , and their rates of change for spinal bone density were lower , but values were not statistically significantly different from those who did not receive corticosteroids .
29 The unique design of this study allowed examination of outcome in an unoperated ear in a group of children who did not receive surgery to either the tonsils or adenoid .
30 The median duration to the development of HBV markers in serum or liver was 78 days ( range 14–331 ) in patients receiving HBIG compated with 39 days ( range 6–219 ) in those who did not receive HBIG .
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