Example sentences of "who call [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The unanimously selected winner was Julie McDonnel who calls at the branch regularly as part of her job at Harwell 's Social Club .
2 A traveller is any person who calls at the inn to use the services there available .
3 Yeah it says , Romans ten , verse thirteen , for every everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah , will be saved , however , how will they call on him if in him they 'd not put faith , how in turn will they put faith in him , if him they 've not heard , how in turn will they hear without someone to preach , how in turn will they preach unless they 've been sent forth , just as it is written , how come we are at the feet of those who declare good news of good things well that 's more or less what we were saying is n't it ?
4 The directors understand they have a credibility problem with the supporters who called for the sacking of the board at the end of last week 's drawn home game with Partick Thistle .
5 A rally in Moscow on the evening of March 17 attracted about 70,000 demonstrators who called for the restoration of the Soviet Union .
6 The Board 's exhibiting at shows had a limited value since it was often only those already in training groups who called at the stand .
7 His sister , Linda Lee , who called at the house , said her children were talking about someone who had been killed on the railway line .
8 An inquest heard that a teenage neighbour , John Robson , who called at the house in Essex Close , Grangetown , Middlesbrough , was unable to get an reply .
9 If someone has had an accident in their home , fallen and injured themselves or been taken ill , they may not be able to attract the attention of neighbours , passers-by or people who call at the door .
10 Journalists who call to the farm to interview me do see us in that setting and describe it as they will but those really are only momentary glimpses into what must remain , fundamentally , my private life .
11 All those who call on the name of Jehovah will be saved
12 They are dervishes who call upon the name of God .
13 I will move that the petition containing some one thousand one hundred and nine signatures as of , as of today , erm of people who call upon the county council to reverse its decision to sell part of the land known as The Green , Doddington Heath in my ward for development purposes .
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