Example sentences of "who work [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Close to the President for most of the New Deal years was Harry Hopkins who worked as Federal relief administrator .
2 Dr. Shahed Power , who worked on Gandhian philosophy with regard to the environment , graduated with Dr. Lorraine Robinson .
3 That team deals principally with that and then there 's the Community Development Team headed by John who worked with particular groups in the town .
4 The Oxford Survey of Childhood Cancers compared the job histories of the fathers of children with cancers to those of the fathers of healthy children and found that those who worked with nuclear materials were at risk .
5 But the inspectors have exonerated three chartered accountants who worked for Blue Arrow , although some of their actions were also criticised .
6 It goes on , correctly , to show how Jack Blum , an investigator who worked for Democratic Senator John Kerry 's subcommittee on terrorism , narcotics and international Relations , played a key role in persuading the New York district attorney , Robert Morgenthau , to take an interest in BCCI and begin his own investigation .
7 The same article also claimed that the late Tom Driberg , who worked at various times for both MI5 and the KGB , was also involved in getting Blake out of prison and back to Russia .
8 How different they were ( we who worked in primary schools thought ) from the secondary schools described in the Newsom Report of 1963 in which ‘ children sat through lessons with information and exhortation washing over them and leaving little deposit ’ .
9 It opened at three o'clock in the morning , a club purely for hookers and people who worked in other clubs .
10 Many of the graphite pits were in the Western and Southern Provinces , and a large proportion of miners who worked in other districts came from these areas .
11 Political officers would be attached to units who worked in close co-operation with line officers .
12 It was the last of Richard Avedon 's books to be designed by Marvin Israel , his close associate on many projects , who worked in close collaboration with Elizabeth Avedon ( daughter-in-law of the photographer ) .
13 The doctor , who worked in general practice in Bolton from August 1991 to February 1992 , is not being named by the authority , and officials are refusing to confirm reports that he was a trainee GP in the West Haughton area of the town .
14 Those who worked in rural manufacturing , retained only a marginal self-supporting ability and entered the market for most of their needs .
15 National health insurance statistics , which recorded the health experience of the small proportion of married women who worked in insurable occupations , also indicated that the health of married working class women left much to be desired .
16 Not only will the German and French teachers themselves benefit , in their increased command of English and knowledge of British life and institutions ( as large numbers of British teachers of German benefited who worked in German schools during the seventies , when Germany had a teacher shortage ) but they will bring their great asset of native-speaker fluency and intimate knowledge and experience of the foreign country to foreign language classrooms that are increasingly practical and communicative .
17 As a starting point for my research I decided to find out about the numbers of teachers who worked in secondary schools , the posts that they held and the distribution of men and women teachers to various posts , together with their qualifications and salaries .
18 In occupation they were mostly either farmers or people who worked in agriculture-related industries .
19 Those who worked among young people were said to lament ‘ the spoiling of promise and the waste of power which they see caused by lack of tendance and of invigorating discipline . ’
20 Now , there 's nothing new for people who work for Labour Authorities and Local Authorities in general in that story , new at all .
21 However , none of them is likely to affect those workers who fall outside of collective agreements ; the contract workers and the many women who work for small manufacturing or service sector employers .
22 This contrast is used to explain why the Japanese are said to feel less class conscious than Westerners because vertical loyalties within companies , say , are more important than horizontal relations with other people who occupy the same position but who work for different companies .
23 Although I know there are those who work for different ends from most of us in this House , yet there are many in all ranks and all parties who will re-echo my prayer : ‘ Give peace in our time , O Lord . ’
24 A good contemporary example can be seen in the typographers who work for British newspapers .
25 There is also a small band of people with employment responsibilities for young people , who work for local education authorities : the careers officers .
26 Mr Hobbs said the immediate effect would be the loss of 50 jobs , the groundstaff at Stansted who work for American Airlines .
27 Some like to avoid the worst of city centre traffic , while those who work on tidal rivers have to time their sampling to coincide with low water , since many discharges are only accessible then .
28 A Health and Safety Executive survey of 450 pregnant women has found that the risk of miscarriage is not increased for women who work with visual display units .
29 Those who work with elderly people may have noticed that these ( sometimes apparently trivial ) domestic problems create anger and despair when they can not be resolved .
30 Despite the small numbers involved , this work has been discussed at some length because the issues raised are critical for all those who work with elderly people and carers .
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