Example sentences of "who could [verb] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Who could fail to notice the resplendent little cock wheatears by the roadside ?
2 Ultimately , it was all too easy for Sainz , who could afford to enjoy the scenery in yesterday 's Scottish forest stages after Kankkunnen , the only man who could have overhauled him in the world title race , lost crucial time when his Lancia hit a rock .
3 These were people of means who could afford to foot the bill : no appeal to the fear of physical pain was needed here .
4 When state-supported secondary education was introduced in 1878 , a denominational system was officially set up , though at this time the system was only availed of by the few families who could afford to lose the labour of young teenagers .
5 Where Roberts had commended Prince Albert 's provision of three bedrooms because the use of the living-room as sleeping quarters led to unwholesome crowding , the realists began to point out that the crowding occurred in any case , since even those who could afford to rent the extra rooms , could not afford to furnish them .
6 The greatest unfairness , she thought , was that the women who could afford to buy the beautiful clothes simply did not do them justice , while she , who showed them off so well , had to save for weeks , even given her staff discount , for the most modestly priced item .
7 Throughout the spring , talk of invasion was on everyone 's lips ; those who could help to fund the new military force did so , while others , providing they were householders or ‘ such other Persons as shall be recommended by two Householders ’ , were invited to enlist at the George Inn , ‘ … where such persons as are willing to join the Frome Selwood Volunteers , either cavalry or infantry , are requested to attend and sign their names ’ .
8 A simple cervical test between the 24th and 34th weeks of pregnancy would alert doctors , who could act to delay the birth .
9 At that time the bones of a saint were important : the Abbeys would vie with each other to see who could claim to have the best holy relics , because bones performed miracles , which brought in the visitors . ’
10 Richard Mayo in a book of mainly spiritual advice to servants first published in 1693 , advises those who could read to teach the skill to others .
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