Example sentences of "who could [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The great boulevards led to him from all directions , bringing the homage of a loyal and overawed population — who could assemble in the oval-shaped square thoughtfully provided for a quarter of a million of them .
2 The right hon. Member for Worcester has said in characteristically self-deprecating phrases that he does not have a great desire to be remembered but I am sure that , given his record , he will take it as an accolade to be thought of , in H. L. Mencken 's happy phrase , as a politician who could sit on the fence and have both ears to the ground at the same time .
3 Well these poor blighters who got flooded who could do with the wind to dry the houses out could n't they ?
4 The rump of hereditary and life peers may , in a transitional stage , elect a small number from among themselves — perhaps 50 — who could speak in the chamber and serve on committees , but not vote .
5 I have a fitting on Sunday for the ‘ New Faces ’ final — one gown with three jackets to ring the changes over the ninety minutes of live T.V. It 's imperative that I do the show as I ca n't think of anyone who could step into the breach should I become ill .
6 Says another curator , ‘ Rusty may not have the vision to say , ‘ We need a Guido Reni at the National Gallery ’ he 's not the sort of person who could walk through the baroque galleries and realise they even need one , though if a curator went to him wanting to buy one , I think Rusty would certainly be supportive of the move , whereas Carter would basically have turned up his nose and said ‘ no ’ ’ .
7 The very unattractive grey flannel trousers , who could guess at the legs they hid ?
8 But there are many more thousands who could benefit from the club .
9 Roman Wyatt … there was a man who could model for the hero of any romantic novel , if , that was , you liked all that raw sexual power .
10 In a few cases , the social worker might have to make provision for young children to be given temporary care away from home , for instance if the patient is a single parent without any relatives who could care for the children .
11 His size , combined with considerable talent , made him a popular figure at Northampton and Chapman called him a ‘ star artist ’ who could draw in the crowds and was ‘ largely the making of the Northampton team ’ .
12 There is nothing wrong with being realistic and I suppose Scotland has about 20 or so players who could fit into the national side without weakening it , especially as we have recently lost a third of that national side .
13 The Foreign Office minister , Mr Francis Maude dismissed the Opposition 's bitter criticism of last week 's deportations , saying it came from those who could stand on the sidelines wringing their hands and decrying what was done .
14 ‘ We believe , ’ it says , ‘ that the Institute has lost its leadership in this area and a more forthright spokesman who could appear in the media on a regular basis would be welcome . ’
15 It was important to retain Lloyd George , not just as the man who had won the war but also as a man who could talk to the working class ; and if a revolutionary situation were to arise , then it would be far better if Unionists could call on Liberals to help resist it .
16 Behind that frank countenance of his lay a man who could fence with the best of them , she thought .
17 The Greek and Turkish members of the Commission were not delegates of their respective States who could act on the instructions of the member States , but members of an administrative body .
18 Someone who could get at the soup , too .
19 They crashed through their set as if they were in a competition to see who could get through the most songs in the shortest time , sounding like an unrehearsed version of the group Charlie and I had seen in the Nashville .
20 Nevertheless they still wanted a worker who could communicate with the young and relate to them .
21 He had been lifted from a detention cell and given the job of English teacher because the Colonel liked a boy who could smile into the face of an interrogator who wielded a rubber truncheon .
22 Whilst some might quibble with the second part of that statement , who could argue with the first ?
23 The mentor system could have a dual role , benefiting both students and less experienced practitioners , who could share in the learning experience it offers .
24 Those who could moved to the window and looked with shocked surprise at fires , fed by municipal deck chairs and the contents of thousands of bin bags , blazing along the Promenade .
25 As everyone is close to the ground anyway they will not hurt themselves , except possibly the last one who could fall on the floor .
26 In her mind it was the ultimate degradation , and any man who could live off the proceeds of it was the lowest of the low .
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