Example sentences of "who at [det] time [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Set up in 1942 under the unpromising name of the Taxation and Financial Relations Committee , the TAC was designed to provide a forum ( and perhaps a safety valve ) for the growing number of business members who at that time were excluded from Council membership , but who wished to contribute their business experience to the consideration of taxation and financial issues .
2 They were first introduced to me when I was 14 by friends who were 16 , 17 , 18 , who at that time were going to Art College and they introduced me as it was then to five-bob deals of black and stuff like that , y'know .
3 Taking as its basic premise the principle that courses of higher education should be made available to all those able and willing to benefit from them , it affirmed its belief that the pool of ability , especially among girls , who at that time were grossly under-represented in higher education , was sufficiently deep to warrant an expansion in the numbers of full-time and sandwich students in higher education in England , Scotland and Wales from 216,000 in 1962–3 to 390,000 in 1973–4 and 560,000 in 1980–1 .
4 And then I met someone from the Kaplan galleries which showed thinking bishops in their robes such as you see in the windows of the galleries in St James'/ The gallery had just taken on a new director and were proposing to show modern art — people like Tinguely and Marcelle Cahn who at that time were n't known .
5 Along with General de Gaulle 's nephew Pierre , Ika had organised from Grenoble , in cooperation with the Maquis , the transmission of intelligence to the general himself , who at that time was in command of the Free French forces in the area .
6 He pushed through the door of the Deputy Chief of Staff , who at that time was General Neil Ritchie , and handed him his pencil-written memorandum .
7 Hope , who at that time was MP for Maidstone , seems to have conducted a solitary campaign in the House of Commons to keep the subject alive .
8 Lord John Russell , who at that time was not a member of Palmerston 's Government , said that he had heard that Panmure did not want a new building for the War Department , and he hoped that :
9 Scott , who at that time was a senior Vice-President of the Institute , later wrote that he felt he was ‘ at liberty to stir ’ .
10 Another frequent brawler was Errol Flynn who included among his many opponents John Huston who at that time was a lieutenant making films for the army .
11 After some enquiries from Peter Thomas , who at that time was in the process of forming the Skyfame Aircraft Museum at Staverton , Glos , the Swedish company decided to donate the Firefly to the Museum , providing that sufficient funds could be raised to finance the flight from Sweden to England .
12 In 1885 , at the age of twenty-nine , he went to Paris to study with Charcot , who at that time was interested in hysteria and hypnotism .
13 Publius was obviously meant to be Publius Scipio Africanus , who at that time was operating with his brother in the East .
14 The same could be said for Adrian Maguire who got his big chance when Martin Pipe was looking for someone to ride the former Scott-trained Omerta in the Cheltenham Kim Muir in 1991 and Homer recommended Maguire who at that time was unknown outside the point-to-point field .
15 Well I remember Jackie telling me , she came back from sh she came up to meet me in London one day and she came up with the woman , a German woman , who at that time was a buyer for Army and Navy er women 's fashions and this woman said that the model girls who are so thin she said they 're always bursting into tears and crying because they 're under such stress to keep their weight down and their boyfriends do n't like it because the girls are are lovely to have on their arms to take out , you know everybody sort of goggles , you know , lovely slim girl with yellow half way down her back etc. but , in fact , these girls get very , very ratty !
16 The Commission 's cited source for this information was Dr P F Chester of the CEGB , while those thanked for ‘ helpful suggestions during drafting ’ included Dr R A Skeffington , a researcher with the CEGB who at this time was also showing pictures of perfectly healthy trees from the Black Forest to British conferences .
17 He may have been influenced by the views of the parliamentary reformer Major Cartwright who at this time was on an organisational subcommittee .
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