Example sentences of "who have [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Charles Woosnam , 67 , of Builth Wells , who has been the part-time Commissioner for Wales of the Forestry Commissioner for the past six years , and is a former High Sheriff of Powys , receives the CBE .
2 Rothesay Castle has been in the capable hands of custodian Fiona Macrae for the last eight years , assisted throughout the summer months by her father Finlay , who has been the seasonal custodian for over twenty years .
3 The young , nervous and over-eager man who 'd been the first of her assignments for Charlie .
4 Sawle acknowledged this on the eve of the final Test when , asked to defend the dumping of Marsh , he made the point that it had been the bowlers — Craig McDermott ( whose 31 wickets made him the highest Australian wicket-taker in a series against India ) , Bruce Reid ( a wrecker in the second Test before breaking down again ) and Merv Hughes — who had been the key figures throughout the series .
5 Was it not his father who had been the prime agent in advocating the educational route to success ?
6 The ruling Justicialist Party ( PJ — the Peronists ) retained the governorships of the provinces of La Rioja , Jujuy and Santiago del Estero , but lost to small local conservative parties in ( i ) Chaco — won by José Ruiz Palacios , a former colonel who served as an Under-Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior under the previous military dictatorship ; ( ii ) Salta — won by former navy captain Roberto Ulloa , who had been the provincial governor under the military regime ; and ( iii ) Corrientes .
7 As they went their separate ways , critics gave Martin , who had been the straight man of the team , little chance of finding the kind of success they predicted for Lewis .
8 Julio Strassera , who had been the chief prosecutor at the original " dirty war " trials in 1985 , announced that he was resigning in protest as Argentina 's representative to the UN Human Rights Commission .
9 Geraldine Ferraro , who had been the Democratic vice-presidential candidate in 1984 , once again suffered because of her husband 's alleged connections with the Mafia and failed to win the Democratic nomination for a Senate seat for New York .
10 Jospin himself , hitherto a Minister of State , left the cabinet , as did five Ministers ( four PS members and Brice Lalonde who had been the sole representative of Génération Ecologie ) .
11 Labour Minister , Lee Kim Sai of the Malaysian Chinese Association ( MCA ) who was moved to Housing and Local Government , was replaced by Lim Ah Lek , who had been the victorious MCA candidate in the recent Bentong by-election [ see below ] .
12 Even as the people run away in terror , the fire of God 's anger , which destroyed parts of the camp in Numbers 11 , now consumes the 250 men who had been the closest supporters of Korah in his bid for power .
13 This appeal is by the local authority , with the leave of the judge , from an order made by Sir Gervase Sheldon , sitting as an additional judge of the High Court , on 20 December 1991 , whereby he granted to the foster mother , who had been the foster mother of four children in the care of the local authority , leave to apply for a residence order in respect of those children .
14 In the Academy , he was a pupil of John Graham who had been the famous artist David Wilkie 's teacher .
15 Despite them the withdrawal went smoothly , with the Colonel , who had been the first man ashore , the last man off , just behind Charley Head , who , as signals officer , had kept up a stream of messages , 40 an hour at one point , that included reassuring but unproven ‘ going well ’ reports .
16 It was obviously different from the religion of Jesus , as far as we understand it , and also from the Jewish vision of St Paul , who had been the first to bring the semitic faith to the hellenistic world of the Roman empire .
17 The dissident who had been the first to speak to Holly talked the hesitant monologue of revolution .
18 It was Canning , after all , who had been the first virtuoso of diplomacy by public opinion .
19 The candidate of the ruling Fianna Fáil party , Brian Lenihan , who had been the clear favourite until the controversy which led to his dismissal as Deputy Prime Minister in late October [ see below ] , finished with 46.4 per cent of the vote .
20 Molly spent more time with the Corduroys and was introduced to the Tapscotts , a white-haired couple : Nicholas , who had been the British Consul in Florence , and his wife Connie .
21 Then he left the room and went to find the nurse who had been the unworthy recipient of his evil temper .
22 The Cabinet included seven members from the ruling Liberal Party ( PL ) , four members of the Conservative Party ( PSC ) and , most notably , Antonio Navarro Wolff of the April 19 Movement ( M-19 , the former guerrilla group ) , who had been the presidential candidate of the left-wing Democratic Convergence ( Convergencia Democrática ) alliance .
23 It was the era of Len Battersby , Inspector , who had been the last Chief Preventive Officer on the revenue crew of the old Vigilant .
24 He had been restored to the earldom in 1470 as part of Edward 's measures against Clarence and the Nevilles , who had been the main beneficiaries of the Percy forfeiture .
25 He had been restored to the earldom in 1470 as part of Edward 's measures against Clarence and the Nevilles , who had been the main beneficiaries of the Percy forfeiture .
26 Me ! she wanted to exclaim , because from where she viewed it it had been Ven , with his natural charm , who had been the charming companion .
27 Jeffrey , who had been the youngest MP , but not for long , and the deputy chairman of the Party for a little while , considered that he had not done at all badly .
28 Shinwell believed to his dying day that it was he who had been the intended target of French 's bullet .
29 Society chairman Col. David Hanson paid tribute to Roy Robins who had been the driving force behind the environmental improvement .
30 Mr Brooke invited to his round table both the Ulster Unionists and the Democratic Unionists , along with the centrist Alliance , and the SDLP ( who have been the intended beneficiaries of the whole exercise since the Anglo-Irish Agreement — the actual beneficiaries have been the IRA ) .
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