Example sentences of "who [was/were] [adv] [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It was not suggested that either the solicitors , who were simply carrying out a straightforward conveyancing transaction , or Mrs G herself , had any criminal or quasi-criminal intent or were aware of the suspected intent of the alleged drug trafficker .
2 Those of the children who were not squabbling over fossils or sticking feathers in their hair gazed expectantly at him .
3 Was it that men really were bad — were men who were not beating up women and buggering children the exceptions ?
4 Chapman regarded it as his prerogative to deal with players who were not measuring up , and he could be ruthless if he thought they justified it , as in his treatment of Walsh and Black after the Walsall débacle .
5 shared the concern and felt that the Institute could be pushed aside by the larger companies who were already carrying out their own teaching and might decide that they did not need the Institute or its standards .
6 He thought perhaps it was because her mind worked very fast , sometimes , and she was impatient with people who were n't keeping up .
7 We talked of toxic wastes ; the possibility of there ever being true democracy in Tonga ( ‘ on paper the place is ripe for revolution , it is true , and our friends in the other islands are experiencing troubled times , so we must be wary ’ ) ; the complaints about corruption among the Tongan nobility , the curious business arrangements engineered between members of the royal family and the dubious Americans who were forever fetching up at the palace doorstep wishing to bend a royal ear to this scheme or that , with wealth and fame for all ; and the most surprising news : his decision to demolish the royal palace .
8 She looked around at Sacco and his friends , who were sheepishly climbing down again .
9 This was made more complex by differentiation of those who intended to spend an appreciable period of time in the village ( such as the retired and salaried immigrants ) , and those , such as career-oriented spiralists , who were merely passing through .
10 Crazily , it was Rangers who were then holding on — but Sinton finally secured the points they barely deserved with his third .
11 For Youth Allyah , who were now sending over more children on transit visas , foster homes , even orthodox foster homes , could not inspire the full-blooded commitment to a pioneering life in Palestine .
12 She slipped her arm through mine , I picked up my rifle from the corner near to the band , who were now packing up their instruments .
13 It proved a nuisance to the horses , who were continually tripping over , and I began to see why communications ‘ up at the front ’ were so haphazard .
14 Despite being filled with an overwhelming love and compassion for her husband , who was single-handedly fighting off one of the world 's largest corporations , she 'd also been swept by a strong desire to bash him over the head with his own fax machine !
15 One rather exciting will home made will I hasten to add I dealt with last year , the lady of some who was not getting on with her husband and I think although I 'm not absolutely sure that the handwriting is that of her sister and we have this form filled in and it mentioned the bank or special savings account and it mentioned the premium bonds and it mentioned everything in the back bedroom and the linen in the linen and the linen cupboard because she 'd brought all this lot and it failed to appoint an executor and it failed to deal with the residuary estate it meant that technically there was a partial intestacy , as there was a partial intestacy the rules applied to that , first person to inherit ?
16 Murrell , who was not going out with Gedge at the time , was surprised when the couple suddenly packed up , tore down their Wedding Present posters and left Leeds .
17 They stood aside to make way for a blind Indian youth in a parka who was confidently striding down the way with his cane held out before him .
18 Betty , who was also getting out of the car , paused .
19 As he helped her up , her gaze went past to him to Sabine , who was just getting out of the car to offer her assistance .
20 ‘ I 'm terribly sorry , ’ Angela apologised to Jessica , who was just hurrying off to her Patrol meeting .
21 Blindly , she followed him , and in the entrance she bumped into Stan , a burly policeman in black waterproofs who was just heading out of the department .
22 How interesting it was , thought Dyson , how extraordinarily intriguing , to find that out of the whole team the only one who was actually turning up trumps was himself .
23 To Gerald Thomas , who experienced a lot of Ken 's problems — mainly his sexual difficulties , the director remembered for me ; his dissatisfaction with a part of his life which was neither fulfilled nor which he even wanted fulfilled — Ken was ‘ a child , a child who was always showing off ’ .
24 ‘ I remember one who was literally hanging on by his fingertips when we arrived , but we 've always got them up in the end . ’
25 It 's not long ago , Aunt Tossie thought ( or said to Gigi — who was still eking out her parrot 's longevity ) that we used to be rich , dear bird .
26 She apologized for skulking out of the way so shamelessly , she thanked me for saving the life of their beloved dog who was now prancing around with the children as though nothing had happened , and she finished with the regret that she had n't even asked me my name .
27 Apart from the porter , who was now heading back to a door marked Waiting Room , the platform was bare .
28 He went over and kissed Tessa , who was half sitting up , not knowing quite what to do with herself .
29 Among the 950 pensioners at the gathering were , who was attending his 24th reunion at Park Royal , and one pensioner who was proudly showing off his 40 year service tie .
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