Example sentences of "who [vb mod] [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 This , of course , is not the same for people born deaf , who may share the same educational background and cultural experience .
2 You only have yourself to fall back on , unless , of course , you count a friendly bank manager who might lend you some money , or a friend or relative who might do the same .
3 Penny 's range is very impressive , and there can be few scholars who could cover the same material with such authority .
4 In Stuart Davies and Emyr Lewis we have two forwards in the same mould who could do the same to France one day .
5 If I can do it , I 'm sure there are plenty of other talented players in Victoria who could do the same ’ , he said .
6 By the 1770s or 1780s there were few European rulers who could feel the same unquestioning self-assurance as Louis XIV a century earlier .
7 From the moment they all tumbled out of the minibus on the edge of the woods , the prime objective was to see who could collect the most conkers .
8 For record companies , it now became a question of who could pay the most money to secure the most in-demand acts .
9 Mr Mellor has never been given proper credit for showing sufficient resolution during the passage of the Broadcasting Bill to persuade his colleagues that ITV deserved to have its future determined by something more subtle than a contest to see who could stuff the most pound notes into a brown envelope earmarked for the Treasury .
10 My mother was a cook who could make the most of three-pennyworth of meat pieces to enrich my father 's vegetables .
11 Will he redouble his efforts to establish a corps of special constables who would play the same part as the Territorial Army vis-a -vis the regular Army ?
12 There can not be many who would say the same of Tyson .
13 He said of Lynda Chalker , Foreign Office Minister responsible for foreign aid programmes : ‘ All she is doing is giving these poor people the chance to breed more children who will suffer the same horrible fate as their parents — death by starvation . ’
14 My parents loved me without conditions , so they and all the stories told me ; I seek a lover who will do the same .
15 High wages , they feel , will affect the final cost of their product , and if their product is too expensive there is always another entrepreneur who will sell the same product at a cheaper price .
16 Some writers have speculated that we could see the development of new patterns of support such as an increase of private loans within families , or substantial bequests to grandchildren rather than children , since the younger generation are the ones who will find the most difficulty in getting onto the first rung of the housing ladder ( Murie and Forrest , 1980 ; Means , 1987 ) .
17 But although it is such a widespread condition , endometriosis is often overlooked because it can only be diagnosed by a minor surgical procedure called laparoscopy ( the insertion of an illuminated instrument through a small incision in the abdomen ) and many suffers do have problems getting their GPs to refer them to a specialist who can do the these for them .
18 Well the difficulty is that for somebody a confident women who who can play the same game and who who feel powerful has a sense of power herself , it probably is fun .
19 With a price of $25,000 there are only so many people who can afford the latter !
20 See who can get the trimmings up the and who can put the most up .
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